The most significant education reforms since David Lange’s Tomorrow’s Schools in 1988?
An attack on teachers? A focus on quality versus quantity?
A slight change in student-teacher ratios?
Or the thin edge of the wedge?
These are the arguments flying around today over Hekia Parata’s announcement signaling changes to primary and secondary education.
The proposals have instantly incurred the wrath of many organised elements of the education sector, including the New Zealand Principals' Federation, Secondary Principals Councils, Post Primary Teachers' Association, Canterbury Primary Principals' Association, and the NZ Educational Institute – joined, naturally, by Labour and the Greens – see Kate Shuttleworth’s Sharp response to planned class size changes.
So has National launched a political assault on the education sector and, if so, is it bravery or stupidity?
There are parts of the sector – such as the School Trustees Association and some educationalists - who support the basic ideas proposed by Parata. What’s more, in terms of the particularly controversial matter of performance pay for teachers, the latest Herald survey 63% of respondents supported it.
Meanwhile, in the tertiary sector, changes in the governance of universities are also being proposed, and today Sandra Grey of the TEU argues that "corporate-style boards will undermine the independence of universities and their staff" – see:
Tertiary governance changes suspect.
Other important or interesting political items today include:
The BanksDoctom scandal evolves further, with the report that John Banks apparently failed to declare his Hong Kong gift hamper in the annual register of MPs' pecuniary interests – see Andrea Vance’s Banks admits receiving gift from Kim Dotcom. Labour is calling for John Key to remove his ministerial warrant, with David Shearer saying, "If he hasn't done this by the book then he should be sacked". However, as Radio New Zealand point out (Labour renews call for Banks to be stood down), "The MP is not alone in making a late addition to his return. Last year seven MPs – five of them Labour – also made additions to their returns after they had been published".
John Banks also gets some relief from Claire Trevett’s column, Ministering to the public purse, as she points out that Banks has been a very low-cost Minister. Trevett also argues "the latest round of expenses showed the credit cards were being used in the manner they were intended — for work-related expenses". However, blogger No Right Turn, admonishes Murray McCully for spending $233 on a ‘bottle of Leeuwin Art Series Chardonnay’ – see: Back to his old habits. On the issue of Ministerial housing costs, Trevett also reports that the government is spending less, and slowing getting rid of (privatising?) its Crown-owned homes – see: Govt housing costs drop.
There’s finally confirmation of an embassy closure – see Claire Trevett’s Sweden embassy to close in Foreign Affairs cuts, which also reports that ‘Other posts expected to be closed include Madrid and the Hague, while posts in Warsaw, Vienna and Rome will be downsized and some of the property at the Paris Embassy will be sold’.
Bryce Edwards
Today’s content:
Education reforms
Winston Peters speech
Budget and economy
Industrial relations
Mfat closures
ACC/Collins lawsuit
Susan St John (Herald): Children off to a good start thanks to Aussie generosity [Not online]
Bryce Edwards
Thu, 17 May 2012