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Comings and Goings
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Guardians of NZ Superannuation announces appointment

Cristina Billett has been appointed as general manager corporate affairs.

Cristina Billett.

Thu, 30 Jun 2022

The Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation, the Crown entity that manages the $55 billion NZ Super Fund and oversees the Elevate NZ Venture Fund, has made a key appointment.

Cristina Billett has been appointed as general manager corporate affairs. In this role Billett will have responsibility for the Legal and Communications teams and the Board Secretariat.

Currently the chair of the Risk Committee, Billett has been with Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation since 2009, having joined following a career in private practice in New Zealand and Australia, and holding the role of Group Legal Counsel with a financial services company.

She has an LLB (Hons) from the University of Auckland, and is a member of the Institute of Directors.

Billett, who takes up her new role on July 1, will report to chief executive Matt Whineray.

Whineray said Billett brings extensive knowledge of the Guardians, the New Zealand Super Fund and the Elevate Fund, and considerable commercial and transactional legal experience to the role, having been the head of legal at the Guardians since June 2015. 

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Guardians of NZ Superannuation announces appointment
Comings and Goings,