Legislation pausing the rollout of freshwater farm plans should be law by the end of the year.
Associate Environment Minister Andrew Hoggard and Agriculture Minister Todd McClay said today amendments would be made to the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill to pause the rollout of the plans in regions where freshwater farm plan regulations have taken effect. The bill was expected to pass through all stages by Christmas.
“Thousands of farmers around the country have been facing a ticking clock to get farm plans drawn up and certified. Pausing the requirement will provide certainty for farmers and growers, particularly those in areas where the first farm plans were going to be due in February 2025, in Southland and Waikato,” Hoggard said.
McClay said the Government had moved swiftly to improve resource management laws and reduce costs for farmers. This was just one part of the plan to “get Wellington out of farming”.