Another of the Green old guard steps aside
Another of the Green Party old guard is to move on, with MP Sue Kedgley confirming she will not stand for Parliament again.Ms Kedgley entered Parliament on the party's list in 1999.She is the third Green MP to quit Parliament this term; after former
NZPA and NBR staff
Fri, 17 Sep 2010
Another of the Green Party old guard is to move on, with MP Sue Kedgley confirming she will not stand for Parliament again.
Ms Kedgley entered Parliament on the party's list in 1999.
She is the third Green MP to quit Parliament this term; after former co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons and Sue Bradford.
Ms Bradford resigned after losing out to Metiria Turei in a battle over who should replace Ms Fitzsimons, after she stood down last year.
It was time for a break, Ms Kedgley said.
"If you are a MP in a small party it's pretty relentless -- 12 years of pretty relentless hard work. I think 12 years is ample for any MP, really."
She wants to write another book, about food, among other projects.
"I'm not leaving for something specific, I am just saying I have done my time."
She intended to continue to campaign for food safety, animal welfare and aged care until her term ended.
Her Animal Welfare amendment bill is to be debated soon, she is involved in a report on aged care, and is promoting a member's bill seeking a supermarket code of conduct.
Her achievements included getting her Flexible Working Hours bill passed and raising awareness about genetic engineering, food issues and animal welfare.
NZPA and NBR staff
Fri, 17 Sep 2010
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