Hot Topic Reporting season
Hot Topic Reporting season
Comings and Goings
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Changes to RBNZ executive leadership team

Juliet Tainui-Hernandez will be leaving RBNZ at the end of April 2024.

Juliet Tainui-Hernandez.

Thu, 22 Feb 2024

Assistant Governor/general manager transformation, innovation, people, and culture Juliet Tainui-Hernandez has resigned to focus on her governance career.

She will be leaving RBNZ at the end of April 2024. 

Governor Adrian Orr said: “Juliet has capably led our people, culture, and change areas since 2020. Her leadership, connections, and vision for our people and organisation is admirable and we are very grateful for her contribution to Te Pūtea Matua. She’s been a fierce champion of our Te Ao Māori and Te Tiriti work – all while building our Auckland presence and championing our focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. She leaves with our very best wishes.”

AG/GM digital solutions and security John McDermott has stepped in as its acting AG/GM ahead of Tainui-Hernandez leaving. John Baddiley will be acting AG/GM of digital solutions and security while McDermott is acting in the AG/GM transformation, innovation, people, and culture role. 

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Changes to RBNZ executive leadership team
Comings and Goings,