Comings and Goings
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The Icehouse appoints new chair

The Icehouse has announced the appointment of David Downs as new chair.

Thu, 05 Aug 2021

Downs has had a successful career in the private and public sector, with senior roles at Microsoft and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. He is a published author on New Zealand innovation, and a TV and radio actor. He is currently the CEO of the New Zealand Story, a government organisation aiming to build New Zealand’s global reputation.

He co-founded, a not-for-profit initiative to help cafés and other small businesses during Covid-19’ is has, to date, sold more than $2 million in vouchers for more than 2500 small businesses.  

“I’m thrilled to be joining The Icehouse, an organisation I admire hugely and one I’ve been associated with since its foundation. And with $165m funds under management and backing more than 240 startups, is now a major player on the early-stage venture capital landscape,” Downs said.

“David is a long-time champion of SMEs – the backbone of the New Zealand economy – and the disruptive power of innovation, so we’re delighted he has taken up the position of chair,” The Icehouse group CEO Gavin Lennox said.

Downs said: “I’m looking forward to bringing my public and private sector experience and passion for driving New Zealand innovation and business to the role, and working with Gavin and The Icehouse team to support its purpose of unleashing the potential of Kiwi businesses.”

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The Icehouse appoints new chair
Comings and Goings,