Instant Kiwi ‘pushes its luck’
DDB has turned digital for its new campaign for the Instant Kiwi lottery scratch cards.
DDB has turned digital for its new campaign for the Instant Kiwi lottery scratch cards.
DDB has turned digital for its new campaign for the Instant Kiwi lottery scratch cards.
The humorous campaign has its TV launch on Sunday and features a reality TV-style garage sale.
Stand-up comedian Jesse Griffin appears in the commercials, directed by Summer Heights High and Angry Boys director Stuart McDonald.
In the first of 21 pieces of content that will be released online and network television, the items being "sold" will include things like prepaid alibis, superhero undies, mismatched skates and air guitars to unsuspecting customers.
DDB Group creative director Steve Kane says the agency had already tried selling such items on Trade Me in a bid to drum up a conversation with customers.
Adding to the reality programming feel, the ads will also be largely unscripted.
NZ Lotteries Commission marketing manager Kirsty Phillips says the switch to digital was brave for a brand that previously stuck to television.
“Humour can be a tricky one to crack, particularly in shorter executions. But with this fresh approach and the comedy talent of Jessie Griffin on our side we are sure the odds are well and truly stacked in our favour,” she said.
DDB Group NZ executive creative director Andy Fackrell is confident the campaign will be a success, claiming it is fresh and brave without any equal.
“It’s a great idea, beautifully executed and I have every faith it’s going to have great cut through with the target audience because it’s so dam funny,” he said.
The adverts can be seen at