Key appointment for Loneworker tech company
Russell Knutson has a strong background in innovation, technology and marketing with outstanding technology-based companies including Simcro and LIC.
Russell Knutson has a strong background in innovation, technology and marketing with outstanding technology-based companies including Simcro and LIC.
NZ Loneworker Solutions Ltd has appointed Russell Knutson as General Manager in its first major development since bringing the world-leading SoloProtect loneworker safety technology to New Zealand.
Russell Knutson has a strong background in innovation, technology and marketing with outstanding technology-based companies including Simcro and LIC.
SoloProtect combines a high-tech ID badge with sophisticated monitoring services and emergency response when required.
"This is a compelling new technology for New Zealand businesses who have people working alone in situations where they face environmental or social risks," Russell Knutson says. "SoloProtect is already well-proven in the UK, US and other markets and initial indications suggest it will be readily adopted in New Zealand."
NZ Loneworker Solutions chair Aaron Rink says he and shareholder Chris Mangan are thrilled to have Russell join the company.
"As a company our first task is to educate the market about lone workers. These are the people, such as district nurses, maintenance workers, or meter readers, who work in hazardous situations because they face the unknown."
The introduction of SoloProtect coincides with increasing awareness by companies and directors of their Health & Safety obligations. The new Health & Safety Reform Bill, currently before Parliament, will bring New Zealand into line with health and safety regulations in the UK and other countries where SoloProtect is already well established. Directors and company executives will face much tougher duty of care obligations and significant potential penalties if they fail to protect workers from harm.
"This is an issue that is definitely on the radar for directors and companies," Aaron Rink says. "Even if the legislation is watered down from its initial draft, the duty of care obligations will remain and companies haven't taken their foot off the gas in developing stronger Health & Safety plans."
But he says that, while compliance has placed loneworker safety on the agenda for companies, some will find that adopting SoloProtect could be very cost effective because worker safety can be managed without the need for additional staff on site. "It should be a win-win for lone workers and their companies."