Key opens Christchurch Ibis – belatedly
The prime minister flies into Christchurch today for a photo opportunity to open the Ibis Hotel.
The prime minister flies into Christchurch today for a photo opportunity to open the Ibis Hotel.
Prime Minister John Key officially relaunched the Ibis Hotel in Christchurch today.
National government ministers have been beating a path to the Ibis for at least month.
At the beginning of September, about the time it opened for business, Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee chose the Ibis to give a state-of-recovery address to the nation.
It was also chosen about the same time by Local Government Minister David Carter and Environment Minister Amy Adams to announce the continued suspension of democracy at the regional council, Environment Canterbury.
Today’s announcement may have coincided with a marketing push by mayor Bob Parker to attract Australian visitors to the city.
Newly opened hotels like Ibis are likely to benefit from any influx of overseas visitors because so many of the central city hotels were knocked out by the earthquakes.
In a couple of weeks Mr Brownlee will give another update to business leaders about progress on the central city recovery plan.