Leaders agree on euro bailout package
The deal that will go some way to resolving uncertainty on how the European sovereignty debt crisis is resolved.
The deal that will go some way to resolving uncertainty on how the European sovereignty debt crisis is resolved.
European leaders have agreed to a deal that will go some way to resolving uncertainty on how the sovereignty debt crisis is resolved.
It will reduce Greece's debt and follows all-night negotiations on key elements of a bailout package.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the leaders had agreed with private banks on a "voluntary" 50% reduction of Greece's debt in the hands of private investors.
He also said the European Financial Stability Facility would be boosted four- or five-fold, suggesting it could provide guarantees for €800 billion to €1.3 trillion of bonds issued by countries such as Spain and Italy.
The leaders also agreed on a plan that would boost the capital buffers of the stragglers among Europe's 70 biggest banks by €106 billion.
But the deal comes with a caveat – earlier summits have reached ostensible agreement among the leaders but negotiating the details of such agreements may take weeks.