Mayor steps into port dispute, ferry strike cancelled
Len Brown writes to the Maritime Union and Ports of Auckland urging them to end the industrial dispute. | Ferry strike cancelled.
Len Brown writes to the Maritime Union and Ports of Auckland urging them to end the industrial dispute. | Ferry strike cancelled.
Auckland mayor Len Brown has pleaded with the Maritime Union and Ports of Auckland (PoAL) to put an end to the long-running industrial dispute.
Both parties have been in mediation with the Employment Relations Authority for several months.
In a letter, Mr Brown has asked the Union and PoAL to accept the recommendations made from the facilitation process which would settle the dispute.
Maritime Union president Garry Parsloe says it will "consider and respond in a positive way" to the recommendations, which are due to be released in the next week.
Meanwhile, a planned highly disruptive strike by Interislander ferry staff has been cancelled.
The strike was to start on Saturday and would have stopped ferry sailing for a week, affecting 14,000 passengers and 4000 vehicles.