Mayor’s Auckland Plan raises questions
Auckland mayor Len Brown is looking to get the new Auckland Plan that focuses on infrastructure and property issues underway but the Property Council has some concerns.
Auckland mayor Len Brown is looking to get the new Auckland Plan that focuses on infrastructure and property issues underway but the Property Council has some concerns.
Auckland mayor Len Brown is keen to get his Auckland Plan through as soon as possible and urged Property Council members at a breakfast yesterday morning to present a unified front on the proposed plan.
The population of Auckland is expected to increase from its present 1.4 million to 2.2 million in the next fifty years.
The Auckland Plan is a spatial plan dealing with infrastructure needs and the future location and mix of industrial, business and residential areas.
“Don’t litigate this thing to death for the next 10 years. Don’t fight each other – there’s too much at stake,” Mr Brown told Property Council members.
Property Council chief executive Connal Townsend was concerned about whether the council would be willing to consult with affected property owners and if aspects of the Auckland Plan draft would potentially be appealed in the Environment Court.
““The test will also require the mayor to reasonably address legitimate planning issues affecting both current and future property owners. The council has got to get the Auckland Plan right, as it will shape the future of the city for the next generation. Housing affordability, land use, and future intensification and development in particular are all crucial so the city can cater for growth and improve living standards for all Aucklanders,” Mr Townsend said after the breakfast event.
He added that the ability to apply for and get consent to develop sections and build properties was fundamental to the wellbeing of the property and construction sectors.
“So we are very pleased with the progress that has been made to date to expedite the overhaul of the region’s multiple consenting systems. The mayor wants Auckland to be the ‘yes’ council and we intend to hold him to that pledge.”
People can share their views about the city and what changes it needs through Auckland Council.