NBR ONLINE Weekend Review
NBR ONLINE is running an extended edition of its Weekend Review this Saturday and Sunday.
NBR ONLINE is running an extended edition of its Weekend Review this Saturday and Sunday.
NBR ONLINE is running an extended edition of its Weekend Review this Saturday and Sunday.
The weekend edition offers all its content temporarily outside NBR’s subscribers’ paywall.
It includes The National Business Review’s brilliant satirical columnists alongside the in-depth analyses of its business, financial, economic, legal, motoring and political writers.
Topical lifestyle content will also feature in the feast of reading for executives in relax mode.
Readership of the NBR ONLINE Weekend Review has been growing steadily since its low-key launch two months ago.
Readership has risen almost 50% in that time.
The decision to provide free access over the weekend is to provide an opportunity for senior business managers to sample quality reporting outside work days.
A six-month members subscription for full access to NBR ONLINE is available for only $89.
Readers can subscribe, and be in to win 28 luxury nights in Europe, at www.nbr.co.nz/subscribe