Today’s content
Labour Party
John Armstrong (Herald): Labour leader's portfolio reshuffle ticks most of the important boxes
Andrea Vance (Stuff): No blatant utu dished out in new Labour crew
Hamish Fletcher (Herald): Cunliffe takes up tech role
Pattrick Smellie (Newswire): No major economic policy changes – Cunliffe
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Go West young Cunliffe... & South, North or East. The regions are calling
Duncan Garner (RadioLive): Labour factions alive - and kicking
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On the Labour reshuffle
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Mercy!
Julie Moffett (Newstalk ZB): No utu in Labour reshuffle
Eileen Goodwin (ODT): Duo demoted in Cunliffe reshuffle
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Future Green Ministers
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Cunliffe keeps his friends close, and enemies closer
Katie Bradford-Crozier (Newstalk ZB): What to do with the old guard?
Rob Hosking (NBR): More CV cuteness from Cunliffe - this time involving his work with Boston Consulting Group
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): More CV padding claims
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Attacks on Cunliffe all wrong
Newstalk ZB: Changes in portfolios amicable, says Cunliffe
Rob Hosking (NBR): Mallard, Dyson, Curran, Goff demoted as Cunliffe names new team
Michael Fox (Stuff): Cunliffe names new line-up
Adam Bennett (Herald): Labour Party: Cunliffe reveals front bench reshuffle
TVNZ: David Cunliffe names 'a line-up based on merit'
Radio NZ: No shakeups in Cunliffe's shadow cabinet
No Right Turn: A signal to the Greens?
Stuff: Woods dumped, Cosgrove keeps post
Newstalk ZB: Cunliffe announces new look Labour line-up
ODT: Labour reshuffle revealed
Russell Brown (Public Address): No Red Wedding
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Cunliffe’s reshuffle
NZ Doctor: New Labour lineup ready for action
Simon Wong: Cunliffe names shadow cabinet
Greg Presland (The Standard): Labour’s reshuffle
Stuff: Front-bench roles for Waikato Labour MPs
Adam Roberts (Stuff): Street says ranking drop is 'no big deal'
Helen Harvey (Stuff): Labour turns attention to provinces
Gay NZ: New Labour line-up includes gay & pro-gay MPs
Chris Trotter (Stuff): Imagine if neoliberal revolution was reversed
Peter Wilson (Newswire): Shadow cabinet 'raring to go'
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Cunliffe keeps his rivals close
Radio NZ: Labour picks water as future issue
Adam Bennett (Herald): Cunliffe sings from Clark songbook
Newswire: Caucus decided to back winner – King
Radio NZ: Clark endorses Cunliffe
Newstalk ZB Staff (Newstalk ZB): Changes in portfolios amicable, says Cunliffe
Pattrick Smellie (NBR): Cunliffe confirms Parker’s economic approach, refreshes shadow Cabinet
Willie Jackson (RadioLIVE): Labour Party's Mr Unpopular deserves a chance
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Lobbyist: Cunliffe claim 'untrue'
TVNZ: National unfazed by Labour's rise in the polls
Dave Armstrong (Herald): Concise Cunliffe ready for battle
Giovanni Tiso (Overland): New Zealand Labour chooses its new leader
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Pale, Male, and Stale line stolen from everywhere
The Standard: Hooton – please apologise
The Standard: “Predistribution”: From Miliband to Cunliffe
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Cunliffe’s Shadow Cabinet: Magnanimity in Victory
Denis Welch (Opposable Thumb):What's wrong with this picture?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The full Labour rankings
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The portfolios
The Standard: Cunliffe makes space for the Greens
Steven Cowan (Against the Current): I Don’t want to talk about it
Salient: Unity. Strength. Hope. Together. Forward.
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Fresh Meat
America’s Cup
Joseph Romanos (Stuff): The America's Cup con job
David Rowe (ODT): An unhealthy obsession with sport?
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): My Cup so far
Local body elections
Dan Satherley (Daily Blog): Postal voting 'trivialises' local govt
Matt Rilkoff (Stuff): Local body: Another frontier for Kiwi women
Jerram Watts (TV3): Six-way battle for Wellington mayoralty
Stephen Franks: Making STV work tactically
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Do we need DHB elections?
Russell Brown (Hard News): Local Interest
Peter O’Neill (Timaru Herald): Editorial: Your vote is important
John Key in Europe
John Hartevelt (Stuff): Brits have cause to be jealous of NZ
Claire Trevett (Herald): Max Key joins Prince William on grouse hunt
Claire Trevett (Herald): Thanks Ma'am for a grouse visit
Claire Trevett (Herald): Key confirmed monarchist - but let's change flag
Melissa Davies (TV3): Key pushes for free trade agreement in Europe
Tracy Watkins and John Hartevelt (Stuff): Key in 'honest broker' pitch to UN
Claire Trevett (Herald): Key presses French for help on UN seat, free trade
Southland Times: Editorial: It kind of is rocket science
Luke Fenwick (Stuff): Partnership schools welcomed
Stuff: Foreign students down, despite $7m marketing
H Moore (Stuff): Letter: Polytechs not unis
Christchurch East by-election
The Press: Editorial: Labour's choice has work to do
James Dann (Rebuilding Christchurch): That was easy
Maori politics
Radio NZ: Maori Council lacks accountability - Ngati Kahu
Marta Steeman (Stuff): Ngai Tahu follows the water
German election
John Hartevelt (Stuff): Merkel win 'stunning result' – Key
Stefan Steinberg (WSW): Merkel wins German election
No Right Turn: Germany votes
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Meridian Energy share float cost may hit $41.5m
Stuff: Kiwis work longer but produce less
Radio NZ: Telecom wants end to copper price uncertainty
Bob Jones (Herald): All aboard bus back to economic Stone Age
Radio NZ: New boss for Crown Irrigation
Radio NZ: Loan restrictions could fuel boom - broker
Inequality, poverty, and unemployment
TVNZ: Thousands of Kiwi kids homeless
Bryan Gould (Herald): Perils of a free market free-for-all
Radio NZ: Charity chief executives paid $224,000 p/a
No Right Turn: KFC hates the disabled
Legal highs
Russell Brown (Hard News): Not so insane
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Corkery on drugs
Stuff: Today in politics - Tuesday, September 24
TVNZ: NZ shares fall as Meridian float looms
Beith Atkinson (Integrity Talking Points): Governance Report 2013 has new perspectives
Sarah Stuart (Herald): David Shearer
Adam Bennett (Herald): Google hits out at Govt over spy bill
Patrick Leyland (Progress Report): NZ Election Ads
Peter Aranyi (The Paepae): A hint of siege mentality from Steve Joyce?
TVNZ: Former Fonterra executive appointed as Transpower head
Clare Curran (Red Alert): The right to know: Jo Goodhew
Anna Turner (Stuff): ACC privacy breach probed
Southland Times: Editorial: Serious about change?
Rebecca Quilliam (Herald): Same-sex couples take advantage of new law