Today’s links
Deep sea oil drilling
Siobhan Downes (Stuff): Greenpeace challenges Anadarko approval
TV3: Oil protest flotilla heading home as Greenpeace goes to court
Dan Satherley (TV3): Key dismisses Anadarko protesters as 'rent-a-crowd'
Brendan Manning (Herald): Anadarko starts drilling in the early morning
Chris Gardner (Stuff): Oil ship begins drilling
TV3/Newswire: Anadarko begins exploratory drilling
Matthew Theunissen (Herald): Anadarko protest: Technical issues delay deep sea drilling
TVNZ: Govt may step in over Anadarko protests
No Right Turn: Deep-sea drilling: Risks and arrogance
Greg Williamson (Stuff): Drilling for good stories
Nevil Gibson (NBR): The Good news about oil they don't want you to know (paywalled)
Stuff: Government can handle oil protesters - Key
Maori electorates
Michael Fox (Stuff): Six vie to replace Tariana Turia
Bryce Edwards (liberation): Maori Party and Te Tai Hauauru – a sign of looming defeat
Morgan Godfery (Maui St): Winning in Te Tai Hauauru
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Te Tai Hauauru candidates
Michael Fox (Stuff): Hunt for Turia's replacement begins
RNZ: Maori Party selects six to contest Tai Hauauru
No Right Turn: Maori, large electorates, and representation
Asset sales
Matthew Hooton (NBR): Share buybacks - will Cunliffe be hypocrite or ‘profligate communist’? (paywalled)
Tova O’Brien (TV3): Labour 'quite likely' to buy state-owned assets back
RNZ: Labour won't fall into asset sales trap
RNZ: PM challenges opposition to commit to buy-back
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Referendum will achieve nothing
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Asset sales referendum in full swing
Stuff: Spying leaks may include NZ - Key
Andrea Vance (Stuff): GCSB Agents refused police interviews
Newswire: Snowden 'highly likely' to have spy info
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk): Snowden might have dirt on GCSB spying
No Right Turn: On spying, refusal to deny is an admission of guilt
RNZ: ACC call for election-year levy cuts cynical – Labour
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): ACC proposes to cut licensing fees
Newswire: ACC recommends lower levies
Newswire: ACC levies 'unacceptably high' – Labour
Anti violence
Matthew Backhouse (Herald): Men overestimate tolerance towards derogatory comments
Heather McCracken (Herald): Hundreds join demonstration against family violence
Newswire: Face up to sexual violence, Sharples says
Income and poverty
Amy Shanks (Herald): Mother has $8 left to feed family
RNZ: Cunliffe says trans-Tasman pay gap widening
RNZ: Govt rejects Labour wage gap figures
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Government plans Alzheimers campaign
Richard Prebble (Breaking Views): Politically Incorrect thinking
Gareth Morgan NZ football offer
Gareth Morgan: Offer to Revamp New Zealand
Stuff: Morgan's offer fails to attract Govt funding
Steve Deane (Herald):McCully lukewarm on Morgan football offer
Vernon Small (Stuff): Labour and National adopt classic ploy in Chch East by-election
Liam Hehir (Manawatu Standard): Stance a threat to rule of law
Chris Trotter (Stuff): Conservatives a vanity project
Eric Crampton (Offsetting behaviour): Builder Baker
Nevil Gibson (NBR): What does Colin Craig stand for and is he stealing ideas (paywalled)
Simon Prast (Daily Blog): Taking Care of Business
Ideologically Impure: So Martyn Bradbury wrote a post about me
Peter Aranyi (The Paepae): Piercing the veil. Why I think Martyn is a bully
Paul Moon (Herald): The Titford fallacy
Alexander Gillespie (Herald): Drug liberalisation worth a shot in NZ
Lynn Williams (Stuff): Golliwog caricature dehumanising
Chris Keal (NBR): Aspiring politician Kim Dotcom exports jobs
Jamie Ball (NBR): Treasury: Who is advising the adviser?
David Williams (NBR): How quick is Auckland’s new housing fast-track?
The Standard: Key and English – best of friends.
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Call for mayor's HK trip to be reviewed
TV3: Net fishing ban 'not enough' to save Maui's dolphins
Liam Dann (Herald): Where does business fit in the green debate?
Roger Douglas (NZCPR): New Zealand Needs Reform Not Tinkering
Muriel Newman (NZCPR): Nordic countries show the way
Isaac Davison (Herald): P use in NZ slashed, but battle far from over
Stuff: Solid Energy restructuring 'disappointing'
Lyn Humphreys (Stuff): Fluoride in water 'illegal'
Stuff: Schools free to act as digital hubs
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Liquor laws would've banned minibars
Isaac Davison (Herald): New law wrings out 'happy hour'
NZ Parliament: 100 years of by-elections in New Zealand: 1913-2013
Stuff: Today in politics - Tuesday, November 26
Matt Rilkoff (Stuff): Electoral revamp favours National
Charles Anderson (Stuff): 'First step' taken on EQC action