Today’s content
Greg Ninness and Jazial Crossley (Stuff): Asking prices at record high
Michael Fox (Stuff): Government unveils state house sale scheme
Radio NZ: Discount on some state houses to be offered to first-home buyers
Simon Wong (TV3): Government subsidy to buy state houses
Isaac Davison (Herald): State house subsidy for first home buyers
3 News Online Staff (TV3): Greens offer up rent-to-buy housing scheme
Katie Bradford-Crozier (Newstalk ZB): Reviewable tenancies won't hit most vulnerable – Smith
TVNZ: Uninsurable homes hot property in Christchurch
Dominion Post: Editorial: Labour misses its chance
Newswire: Banks opposes Govt's housing initiative
Radio NZ: Provincial state house sale subsidies seen as waste of money
Michael Fox (Stuff): Fears elderly will suffer from review
The Standard: National’s screwed up new housing policy
TVNZ: Govt's new state house sale scheme under fire
Adam Ray (TV3): Labour scorns Govt's housing initiative
Colin Espiner (Stuff): The great state house giveaway
Dan Satherley (TV3): Key: Loan restrictions better than alternatives
Duncan Garner (RadioLIVE): Housing war will decide election
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Clark unaware he got sacked!
Asset sales
James Weir (Stuff): Meridian price gets thumbs-up
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Smart play by National on Asset Sales Referendum
Radio NZ: Referendum will show NZers don't want assets sold - Love
Newswire: Govt sure Kiwis will reach Meridian goal
The Standard: Meridian on the block
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The $9 million waste of money dates
Alan Papprill (The Irascible Curmudgeon): Cynical disregard for Democracy the Key policy plank.
Solid Energy
Radio NZ: Solid Energy not out of the woods yet
TVNZ: Solid Energy still facing difficult future
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Govt unveils Solid Energy bailout plans
Peter Wilson (Newswire): Rescue plan 'privatisation by stealth'
Adam Bennett (Herald): Banks take shares in Solid Energy
Adam Bennett (Herald): Solid Energy gets $100m Govt loan
Stuff: Debt deal for Solid Energy
No Right Turn: Against the bailout
Vernon Small (Stuff): ACC surplus opens way for levy cuts
Radio NZ: CTU president stands by call for ACC Minister to resign
Adam Bennett (Herald): Anger over ACC's 'obscene' surplus
Radio NZ: ACC reports $4.9b surplus and talks of cuts to levies
TVNZ: Govt ponders levy cuts after record ACC surplus
Local body elections
Dominion Post: Candidates pledge unity to get city moving
Jenny Suo (TV3): Mayoral hopefuls struggle for name recognition
Brian Rudman (Herald): Super City elections all too hard
TVNZ: Christchurch election pamphlet bars migrant voters
Rob Crawford Jr (The Watercooler): Politics: The Super City Election Edition: Meeting the candidates in the wop wops
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The Dunedin mayoralty
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Super City elections 2013: Booklet botch-up 'more widespread than hoped'
Ideologically Impure: Voting in Wellington
Dominion Post: Candidates' thoughts on infrastructure
Dave Armstrong (Dominion Post): Confusing world out there for voters
Ruataniwha dam
Chris Trotter (Stuff): Control of water shapes up to be leading issue
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Interference over river smells bad
Calida SMylie (Herald): Calls for Govt to release draft text of TPPA
Dan Satherley (TV3): Key accused of spreading TPPA 'mistruths'
Grant Duncan (Policy Matters): The TPPA: Is it democracy?
No Right Turn: Its not right
National Party
TVNZ: Cabinet minister to make move to private sector
Radio NZ: National will have to work hard to retain Napier – PM
Alan Paprill (The Irascible Curmudgeon): Living on Planet Key part 2
The Standard: How?
Andrea Vance (Stuff): List MP Auchinvole stepping down
Greg Presland (The Standard): The seat of Napier is now in play
Katie Bradford-Crozier (Newstalk ZB): Tremain won't be only MP to leave in 2014 – Key
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Our boat is faster than theirs
Gwynne Dyer (Stuff): It's the climate triggers, Stupid
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): A brief word on my beef with Generation Zero
Herald: Climate report a wake-up call - NZ environmentalists
America’s Cup
Jane Bowron (Stuff): Sir Russell Coutts 'a full-blown narcissist'
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): PM a 'Johnny come lately' when it came to America's Cup fever
Herald: Editorial: Drop in youth crime figures heartening turnaround
Anna Leask (Herald): Winning the war on crime
The Hand Mirror: Something is happening here, but you don't know what it is, do you Mr Jones?
Kathryn King and Jimmy Ellingham (Stuff): Apologetic cop under investigation
Michael Daly (Stuff): Crime in NZ: The big picture
Isaac Davison (Herald): National crime rate falls by 7.4 per cent
Russell Brown (Hard News): Rape and unreason
Radio NZ: Crime figures down again
Duncan Wilson (RadioLIVE): The Bob Jones' rape column
Stuff: Today in politics: Wednesday, October 2
Radio NZ: Former soldier, diplomat to take reins at MPI
Tim Hunter (Stuff): Size matters when fishing for funds
Michael Forbes (Stuff): Expressway no marriage of convenience
Isaac Davison (Herald): Kiwis back taking more refugees
Radio NZ: PM meeting Abbott in Canberra tonight
Radio NZ: NZ ranked 7th in UN index on treatment for elderly
Jade Cooper (Newstalk ZB): Redraw of electoral boundaries ahead of 2014
Taranaki Daily News: Simple: It's all about the jobs
Adam Bennett (Herald): Key cans schedule due to serious family illness
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Fisking electricity price claims agains
TVNZ: Key 'wouldn't wrap fish and chips' in Daily Mail
Chris Barton (Herald): Copper tax debate continues
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Million dollar union slush fund may be cut
Beith Atkinson (Integrity Talking Points): Is open government what Ministers really want?
Thoms Mead (TV3): ChCh school's fight nears end
Stuff: Snowdon employment case begins
Peter Aranyi (The Paepae): The self-parody of calling someone ELSE ‘sanctimonious’
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Flexi-Super – change for changing times?