The main issues in NZ politics today are Metiria Turei's clothes and racism debate, the Act Party leadership, the latest opinion poll, the Labour Party, and the economy. [Read more below]
Today’s links
Metiria Turei
Adam Bennett (Herald): Full battle jacket as MPs squabble
Katie Bradford (TVNZ): Jacket spat demeans everyone
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Claims of racism over designer clothes comment
Adam Bennett (Herald): What the blazers...? Politicians' jacket spat
Radio NZ: MP designer jacket spat goes on
TVNZ: MPs continue to bicker over 'ugly' jacket
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Collins jumps in 'racist' clothes-fight
David Kennedy (Local bodies): National Attacks the Jacket Not the Message
Ele Ludemann (Stuff): Hypocrisy nothing to do with race
Pete George (Your NZ): What Anne Tolley said
Pete George (Your NZ): Turei’s speech
Pete George (Your NZ): Judith Collins doesn’t help Tolley
Stuff: So how do they dress?
Pete George (Your NZ): Maori views on Turei and racism
Newswire: Key refuses to reign in Collins' Twitter tirades
Walter Plinge (The Ruminator): The sisterhood of the racist travelling jacket
Jane Bowron (Stuff): It's all rather OTT in the girl armour dept
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Political Report: Justice Minister the Fashion police?
Kerre McIvor (Herald): The low end of our MPs' high life
Shawn McAvinue (Herald): Metiria opens the doors to her castle - and THAT wardrobe
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Claims of racism don't stop attacks on Turei's jackets
Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): New Clothing Standards set by National Party
Alliance: The Left Don’t Want Leftovers; Or Why Metiria Should Keep Her Jacket!
Peter Aranyi (The Paepae): Judith Collins’ ‘really ugly’ attacks echo Muldoon’s tactics
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Metiria and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Pete George (Your NZ): Greens on National nastiness
Greg Presland (The Standard): National’s election year strategy and designer jackets
Pete George (Your NZ): Metiria doth protest too much methinks
Keeping Stock: McIvor on Turei and THAT claim
Cameron Slater (Whaeloil): Since we are talking about dress sense, let’s look at the jacket wars
Cameron Slater (Whaeloil): Dumber than a sack of hammers, Turei calls Collins a racist
Cameron Slater (Whaeloil): Turei nailed. Explaining is losing
Bryce Edwards (Liberation): Top tweets about Metiria Turei’s clothes and racism
The Standard: John Key: telling it like it isn’t
Act Party
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Nats hold back after ACT leadership change
TVNZ: Act's new leader confident of turning party around
Newswire: Key cool on ACT's new direction
Stuff: Boscawen quits over ACT strategy risk
Laura McQuillan and Sam Thompson (Newstalk ZB): Boscawen refuses to fundraise after losing ACT race
Newswire: Jamie Whyte won't push drug views
Audrey Young (Herald): Act leader set to play it straight
Audrey Young (Herald): New energy driving Act, says hopeful
Radio NZ: ACT split roles 'risky but best way to revive party'
Stuff: Jamie Whyte elected new ACT Party leader
Brook Sabin (TV3): ACT choices huge risk for party
TVNZ: Act names fresh leadership team
Laura McQuillan and Sam Thompson (Newstalk ZB): Hard slog for ACT this election
NBR Staff (NBR): ACT choses Whyte for leader, Seymour for Epsom
Matthew Hooton (NBR): A new ACT starts on Sunday
Audrey Young (Herald): Jamie Whyte elected Act leader
Newswire: ACT Party announces new leader
Radio NZ: ACT elects new leader and Epsom candidate
TVNZ: Jamie Whyte to lead the Act Party
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): So the saviour of ACT is a man who argues for abolition of all labour laws and removal of all health and safety regulations?
John Boscawen (Whaleoil): Guest post: John Boscawen
Bryce Edwards (Liberation): Top tweets about the leadership contest for Act
Josie Pagani (Pundit): John Key’s horrible weekend
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Whyte and Seymour elected
Pete George (Your NZ): John Boscawen corrects media comments
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): I’d say ACT is rooted now
Pete George (Your NZ): Act take a big risk
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The new ACT Leader
Audrey Young (Herald): Whyte set for nod as Act leader
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): ACT decisions
Andrew Dickens (Newstalk ZB): ACT needs to rediscover their mojo
Audrey Young (Herald): Has Act got talent?
Latest polls and the election
Patrick Gower (TV3): 3News-Reid Research poll shows Peters as kingmaker
Herald: NZ First could hold balance of power – poll
NBR Staff (NBR): Labour-Greens edge National in second poll; Winston positioned a kingmaker
Sam Thompson and Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Peters quiet on king maker role
Rob Salmond (Polity): 3news poll
Frank Macskasy (TV3): TV3 Polling and some crystal-ball gazing
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): An analysis of the 3 News Poll
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): Brief thoughts on the TV3 poll
Greg Presland (The Standard): Dear RadioNZ – the largest party does not necessarily win the election
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Don't write off Winston securing the votes
Sam Thompson (Newstalk ZB): Forgetfulness and apathy behind lack of votes
Radio NZ: G20 forum may affect election date
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Why people didn’t vote
Pete Goerge (Your NZ): 3 News poll – Paddy plays king-maker
Rodney Hide (Herald): How to pick your partners
Bernard Hickey (Herald): Vote buying's hidden cost
Colin Espiner (Stuff): It's an election-year lolly scramble
New flag
Nelson Mail: Editorial – Flagging an issue that sparks debate
Matthew Dallas (Stuff): Flagging the real issue
The Press: Flag debate a diversion
The Political Scientist: Flagging interest in ‘folly’ of vexillology
Bryan Bruce (Daily Blog): There is a huge difference between a Brand and a Country
Sam Clements (Herald): Fly a flag for our future and past
RadioLIVE: Much to consider in flag debate - designer
Southland Times: Editorial: Drape the flag debate carefully
John Roughan (Herald): Seriously, let's look at the flag
Paul Thomas (Herald): Lorde's success gives country another reason to change flag
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A two stage flag referendum?
Latifa Daud (Daily Blog): The pain beneath changing the flag
Labour Party
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Cunliffe falters at 'show me the money'
John Armstrong (Herald): Tough-talking Key drapes a flag over rival
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): Dark days
Chris Keall (NBR): Labour MP’s Facebook facepalm
Dave Armstrong (Stuff): Labour's Facebook ban threat loony, but it's on the right track
Pat Pilcher (Herald): Labour considered banning Internet for tax avoiding multinationals
Steve Braunias (Stuff): The secret diary of . . . David Cunliffe
Claire Trevett (Herald): Slip-ups a 'small distraction' to a positive week: Cunliffe
Matthew Dallas (Manawatu Standard): Editorial: Facebook warning a stupid game
3 News/Newswire: Key doubts Labour's house price figures
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The baby bribe goes mainly to the rich and beneficiaries
Greg Presland (The Standard): Media bias
The Standard: Key signals coalition with Labour
Kieran Gainsford (Left Estate): NZ Media Sails off the Deep End
The Standard: No details, please, we’re gallery hacks
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): By all means let’s blame the media
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Herald on baby bribe
Pete George (Your NZ): Labour and the nasty biased media
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Watkins on Labour’s shambles
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Does Cunliffe stick by shoes claim?
Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): The trivialisation of the News and consequences
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Trotter on Cunliffe, it ain’t flash
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Cunliffe and Labour have some troubled waters ahead
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Cunliffe’s shoe lie now coming out
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Labour says Apple et al plundering NZ economy
Stuff: Foreign investors shun NZ
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Australia vs NZ with exports to China
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The false sense of economic confidence
Lindsay Mitchell (Breaking Views): Matt McCarten's claims in the HOS
Stuff: Strong economy boosted by confidence
Alan Wood (Stuff): Canterbury region seen as inflation trigger by Reserve Bank
James Weir (Stuff): Milk powder booms as China now top market
Matt McCarten (Herald): Rose-tinted view cruel fairy tales
NBR Staff (NBR): NZ economy stifled by FDI rules
Newswire:$15M genetics funding bad economics – union
Alan Papprill (The Irascible Curmudgeon): Two Graphics that illustrate the state of the economy.
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Recall those who voted against the China FTA
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): No exceptions for tariffs under TPP
Brendan Horan
Rebecca Wright (TV3): Brendan Horan's new plans for Parliament
Barry Soper, Jacqui Stanford, and Corazon Miller (Newstalk ZB): Police may investigate Brendan Horan over new claim
Michael Fox (Stuff): Police say no Horan probe
Radio NZ: Horan 'welcomes' police inquiry
Simon Wong (TV3):Horan faces fresh complaint
TVNZ: New complaint laid against Brendan Horan
Adam Bennett (Herald): Brendan Horan says new complaint is 'fantastic'
Newswire: Horan would 'welcome' police investigation
Michael Sergel (Newstalk ZB): Brendan Horan political party a step closer
Pete George (Your NZ): Brendan Horan versus Winston Peters and Barry Soper
Newswire: Key opening first charter school
Jono Hutchison (TV3): Small school, big expectations
Simon Day (Stuff): First charter school opens
Nicholas Jones and Sophie Ryan (Herald): Fees-row pupils kept out of class
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): First charter school opened
Adam Hollingworth (TV3): School gets intl attention for letting kids be kids
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The popularity of ditch the rules
Ross Henderson (Stuff): Education taking centre stage
John Sargeant (Stuff): National leads on education
Offshore oil and gas
Bruce Munro (ODT): Distant prospects
Pete George (Your NZ): David Clark on Otago gas exploration – yeah, nah
Maori politics
Joshua Hitchcock (Ka Tōnuitanga): This Week in Māori Politics: Friday 31 January
Michael Fox (Stuff): Address Maori male violence says MP
Radio NZ: Maori Party backs Teina Pora
Michael Fox (Stuff): Maori men hit with prostate cancer care
Newswire: Key keen to see Ngapuhi settle claim
Vernon Small (Stuff): Why people don't vote
TVNZ: 'Didn't vote cause I wasn't interested'
Radio NZ: Non-voters just didn't get round to it
Len Brown
Julie Kaio (Herald): Hard questions thrown at Len Brown
Tom McRae (TV3): Brown blasted at 'Mayor in the chair'
MPs expenses
Radio NZ: PM happy with ministers' expenses
Newswire: Ministers rack up $2m in 3 months
Stuff: Key defends Brownlee's San Francisco SUV hire
Inequality and poverty
Paul Walker (Anti-Dismal): But why does inequality matter?
Paul Walker (Anti-Dismal): But why does inequality matter? 2
Brennan McDonald: Why Inequality Is On The Agenda
Human rights
Herald: NZ has 'excellent' human rights record
Newswire: UN gives NZ 155 human rights tasks
Corazon Miller (Newstalk ZB): Calls for NZ to legislate against racism
Andrew Chen (MCDP): What does "155 human rights recommendations" mean?
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Stock Takes: Political bets in energy sector
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Early Genesis float tipped
Stephen Franks (NBR): Electricity nationalisation as an election issue
Rachel Stewart (Stuff): Norman's slip let down the people of 'Green' land
Nelson Mail: Editorial: DOC deserves extra cash for 1080 blitz
Southland Times: Editorial: The unlovely best option
Pete George (Your NZ): Fisking Russel Norman’s speech
David Clendon (Frogblog): The Greens are the Bogeymen!
Bayden Harris (Liberal Notes): Gold star for the Greens
Current affairs shows
Gordon Brown (Stuff): Current affairs' welcome return
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): Paul Henry - tormented by retards
Rachel Glucina (Herald): The Diary: Seven Sharp loses yet another team member
Diana Wichtel (Listener): Back with a thump
Colin Hogg (Herald): TV3's benevolent dictator warm and witty - but serious
Isaac Davison (Herald): Wallets out ... but can votes be bought?
Isaac Davison (Herald): Green MPs drop on leaked list
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Inequality: Is it growing or not?
Martin Van Beynen (Stuff): Election bribes: When will we ever learn?
Mai Chen (Herald): A good time to keep a close eye on what the politicians are up to
Toby Manhire (Herald): Party leaders' opening salvoes, digested
James Griffin: Conservative Party job application
Rodney Hide (NBR): State depends on bully powers
Taranaki Daily News: Bums on seats no measure of MPs' toil
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Greens call for taxpayer funding of political parties
Peter Bromhead (Herald): Vote for me
Joshua Hitchcock: This Week in Māori Politics: Friday 31 January
Rosemary Overell (Herald): Lorde makes feminism a class issue
Sam Durbin (Recess Monkey): Have the media called the 2014 election for Key already?
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On Cameron Slater, Lorde and the media’s (lack of) boundaries
No Right Turn: Our unhealthy political landscape
Stuff: Liquor licence mixup forces MPs to BYO
Radio NZ: Appeal over rest home pay to begin
Herald: Editorial: PM's pot-shot attacks on Harawira unjustified
Stuff: Gay parents no disadvantage – study
Daily Blog: The Daily Blog Watch – 2/3 February 2014
Damian Christie (Cracker): How Media Made me a Bad Person.
Bob McCoskrie (McBlog): How did your MP and Party perform in 2013 on the conscience/family issues
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Real gender wage gap about 5c
Brendan Manning (Herald): Ministers, mayor celebrate Chinese, Korean New Year
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Different reactions
Newswire: Peter Dunne vows to support link road opponents
Radio NZ: Labour claims backlash over Pacific affairs minister outside cabinet
Rosie Mannis (ODT): Booze key driver of crime
Rosie Mannis (ODT): Altering drinking culture
Andrea Fox (Herald): Testing ability queried
TVNZ: US Secretary of the Navy in NZ visit
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Dotcom the debtor: Get paid or get even
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Feet on the ground - focus on her dreams
TVNZ: NZ, Philippines to start working holiday scheme
Dominion Post: Editorial: A strong society is tolerant
Stacey Kirk (Stuff):Invitations sent to world leaders
Lincoln Tan (Herald): NZ - a dream home for millions of would-be migrants: poll
Anna Leask (Herald): Three shortlisted to be next Police Commissioner
Herald: Editorial: Leader of the world? Go for it, Helen
Isaac Davison (Herald): Finlayson launches attack on Law Society
Herald: New NZDF chief sworn in
Newswire:Labour wants criminal cases review commission
PMC: NZ: Sublime Group buys key stake in independent news website Scoop
NZ Parliament: Speakers' conference highlights different democracies
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Colin Craig on fluoridation
Gwynne Dyer (Stuff): Radical change a gamble on life
Keendy Graham (Frogblog): Climate policy vs. Princess and the Pea – better to stick with the story-books
The Ruminator: A letter to Minister Anne Tolley and Ray Smith, CEO of the Dept of Corrections
Radio NZ: Unprecedented attack on Whale Oil
Eric Roy (Southland Times): Thanks for letting me serve you
Eric Crampton (Offsetting Behaviour): Drinking Ed.