Today’s content
Labour leadership
Claire Trevett (Herald): Clark had no role in Shearer exit: Labour
Claire Trevett (Herald): Jones shows every underdog has his day
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): How the unions may vote for Labour leadership
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Labour caucus vote closer than I thought
Listener: Labour leader race: Who is your political hero?
Jane Clifton (Listener): Labour’s got talent
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): Labour leadership
Russell Brown (Public Address): Jonesing
Philip Ferguson (Redline): Can “we” afford a living wage?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Clark and Cullen on the Leadership
Mark Hubbard (Life Behind the Iron Drape): Of Espresso; Nuts; Prostrate Cancer; Grammar; Labour Leadership – The Three Boring Men & Quotas Again.
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Hollow promises from hollow men
Greg Presland (The Standard): Labour leadership campaign – day five
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Spending less, delivering more
Matt Chatterton (Newstalk ZB): Promise of prosperity from Labour candidates
The Standard: The Jones surpremacy
Radio NZ: Maori Council says Cunliffe has wider appeal for Labour leadership
Sophia Duckor-Jones (Newstalk ZB): Labour wannabes fashionably late
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Meet the candidates online
Herald: Editorial: Hard task for leadership contenders
Ellipsister: The potential for Maori leadership should not be understated
Twistedhive: Soft focus on Jones
Pacific Islands
Brook Sabin (TV3): Push for nuclear compensation in Marshalls
Jan Logie (Frogblog): New Zealand’s role in the Pacific
Isaac Davison (Herald): NZ commits $5m to low-lying countries
SIS raids
No Right Turn: More on the SIS and Fiji's dictator
Michael Field (Stuff): Peters reveals SIS raid text warning
Online voting
No Right Turn: Madness
Newswire: Online voting trial in 2016
TVNZ: Voting online to be trialled
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Online voting for 2016
Holly Walker (Frogblog): Modernising elections
Herald: Online voting to be trialled in 2016 local elections
Rebecca Quilliam (Herald): Minister defends national standards
Jo Moir (Stuff): Foundation education to be free
TVNZ: National Standards will get 'better' – Parata
Nicole Pryor (Stuff): National standards will improve – Parata
David Kennedy (Local Bodies): Planet Parata and the National Standards
Newswire: Teachers don black for Novopay anniversary
Sky City
Newswire: TVNZ dividend relief tied to upgrade
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): If only the SkyCity scam was a dirty deal done dirt cheap (and Steven Joyce admits he doesn’t read all reports)
TVNZ: TVNZ make $14 million profit
Tom Pullar-Strecker amd Andrea Vance (Stuff): TVNZ sells more land to SkyCity
TVNZ: SkyCity buys land from TVNZ for $10.6m
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): TVNZ land deal doesn't pay dividends, say Greens
Radio NZ: Govt denies it induced TVNZ to make way for SkyCity deal
TVNZ: Fonterra boss: 'Red flag should have gone up faster'
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Sighs of relief - now for answers
Radio NZ: Fonterra explains what went wrong in botulism scare
Radio NZ: Fonterra bosses head to China to bolster reputation
Kim Dotcom
TVNZ: Kim Dotcom resigns Mega directorship
Adam Dudding (Stuff): Dotcom steals the show at copyright debate
School Journal
Audrey Young (Herald): PM: Journal won't be lost in closure
Radio NZ: Future of 'School Journal' unknown
Dominion Post: Editorial: A lesson for creative companies
Andrea Vance (Stuff): School Journal publisher winding up
Pattrick Smellie (Stuff): Minerals versus hi-tech - a false dichotomy
Stuff: NZ competitiveness improves
Gambling bill
Newswire: Flavell's gambling bill becomes law
Stuff: Problem gambling bill passed by conscience vote
Citizens Initiated Referenda
The Press: Editorial: Poor device for making policy
Katie Bradford-Crozier (Newstalk ZB): Political consensus: Citzens Initiated Referenda to stay
Katie Bradford-Crozier (Newstalk ZB): Dunne facing grilling from colleagues
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Dunne sticks to guns over email row
Owen Glenn
Kirsty Johnston (Stuff): Sir Owen Glenn formally knighted
Maori politics
Wilma McCorkindale (Stuff): Maori and Pakeha 'united through love'
James Ihaka (Herald): Jones fears MTV board 'spectacle'
Stuff: Today in politics: Thursday, September 5
Beith Atkinson (Integrity Talking Points): UK government wants lobbying controls rejected by NZ parliament
Michael Fox (Stuff): Government rethinks overseas deployments
Kevin Hague (Frogblog): A table for one?
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): We have moved!
Herald: More funding for restorative justice conferences
Stuff: Greg Boyed quits Seven Sharp
Stuff: Taking a stand against legal highs
Ideologically Impure: Weird Tales of Epsom: the brothel-seeker at the threshold
John Gibb (Herald): 'Magic wand' wanted on war pension rules
Andrea Vance (Stuff): NZ to cave on Ross Sea protection?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Please Labour stop blaming the person who needs protection
Ashleigh Stewart (Stuff): One in 20 young Kiwis addicted to booze
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Gareth Morgan and North Korea
John Kerr (Redline): “Appeasement doesn’t work; the bosses and their lackeys in government always want more”: RMT organiser John Kerr
No Right Turn: Member's Day
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Tax dodgers to be hunted by passports
Amy Maas (Stuff): Brown calls for 'full review'
Grant Duncan (Policy Matters): Should NZ support a military strike on Syria?
Will Harvie (Stuff): EQC has paid $6b in claims
ODT: Exporting to China
Radio NZ: Govt outlines 4G spectrum auction plan
John Drinnan (Herald): State broadcaster taking less risk with programmes
Patrice Dougan (Herald): Writer, businessman and former cop honoured for services to NZ
Brian Rudman (Herald): Key in for mauling as asset sales hit centre stage