Today’s content
Green Party
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Greens: Everywhere they look, Peters is there
Radio NZ: Meeting disclosure on Green agenda
Newswire: Greens call for ministerial disclosure changes
Newswire: Greens aim for co-deputy PM role
NBR: Greens want tighter diclosure rules that would force Collins to reveal Chinese dining companion
Alex Mason (Newstalk ZB): Greens propose ministerial disclosure regime
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Why just two co-deputy PMs?
Pete George (Your NZ): Greens and deputy Prime Minister
Act’s Three-strikes policy
Sophie Ryan (Herald): Jail burglars after third offence, says Act
Sophie Ryan (Herald): Act Party talks tough on burglary
TV3/Newswire: Govt to consider three-strikes plan for burglars
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): ACT policy under fire
Anna Leask (Herald): Prison alone won't deter crims, says break-in victim
Stuff: ACT wants three-strike burglary policy
Newswire/RadioLive: ACT spells out 3 strikes policy
Graeme Edgeler (Public Address): All of these things are quite like each other
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): ACT proposes three strikes for burglaries
Judith Collins
Radio NZ: PM defends Judith Collins
RadioLive: Collins misled Parliament over Oravida dinner - Robertson
John Armstrong (Herald): Opposition has the scent of Collins' blood
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Collins row a distraction from the real issue
Adam Bennett (Herald): Collins: I do recall ambassador talks
Adam Bennett (Herald): Collins: Oravida attacks 'humanised' me
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Judith Collins explains
Brook Sabin (TV3): Collins fronts up about Oravida
Ross Henderson (Stuff): Minister doth protest too much
Vernon Small (Stuff): Stonewalling builds rumours
John Armstrong (Herald): Peters faces wait to complete Oravida jigsaw
Tim Selwyn (Tumeke): Judith Collins: guess who's coming to dinner?
Labour Party
Claire Trevett (Herald): Nat man co-funded Jones' Labour bid
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): That Sinking Feeling: Labour’s urgent need for persuasive words and courageous deeds
Stuart Nash (Daily Blog): Labour’s first 100 days – where the messaging needs to be
Brian Edwards: Could this man be Prime Minister of New Zealand?
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Labour backs 'subbies'
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Cunliffe goes to Samoan Easter service
Gordon Campbell (Stuff): Cunliffe misses green-light moment
Kiwiblog: Guest Post – Why is Labour Struggling in 2014? An Essay on the History of Labour’s Predicament
Claire Trevett (Herald): Nigella's visa clearance for new choc ad worries Labour
TV3: Labour questions Lawson visa
Claire Trevett (Herald): Labour casts net for votes, heats pan for Collins
Tariana Turia and Maori Party
TVNZ: 'Hell of a lot work still to do' - Tariana Turia
Newswire: Don't vote Labour – Turia
Herald: Tariana Turia hits out at Labour
Rodney Hide (Herald): Bromance of convenience
Don Franks (Redline): Mistaken Mana Movement
John Sargeant (Stuff): Left, Right and forward Mana!
Nelson Mail: Editorial: Unlikely pairing big risk for Harawira
Electoral boundaries
Matthew Theunissen (Herald): Craig's family in 'seat swizzle'
Claire Trevett (Herald): Backtrack on Epsom boundary
Claire Trevett (Herald): Final electoral boundary changes announced
Sarah Robson (Newswire): Electorate boundaries finalised
Kiwiblog: Final boundaries – winners and losers
Drone death
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Time for a local drone strike policy
Dominion Post: Editorial: Use of deadly drones hit close to home
Kennedy Graham (Frogblog): Drones in Yemen; policy in Wellington – ‘conflation’ or global thinking?
The Standard: The drone strike killing of a Kiwi
Rachel Smalley (Newstalk ZB): Kiwi killed in drone strike raises more questions than answers
Dan Satherley (TV3): Drone strike that killed Kiwi justified - expert
Tom Peters (World Socialist Website): Australian, New Zealand citizens killed by US drone strike in Yemen
Claire Trevett (Herald): Craig wary of sweetheart electorate deal
Steve Kilgallon (Stuff): Candidates chase Polynesian votes
Lincoln Tan (Herald): Migrant vote an untapped poll winner
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Criticised diplomat to start new Justice role
Stuff: Today in politics: Saturday, April 19
Stuff: Today in Politics: April 21
Stuff: NZ 'dodged bullet' on Brash - ex MP
Sophie Leggett (Stuff): Embassies, consulates and grand homes
Glenn Conway (Stuff): Greens call for blue zone
Herald: Editorial: Joyce unfair to force change on universities
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Sales a case of opportunity lost
James Dann (Herald): Backstage of rock star economy
Jane Clifton (Listener): Bonkers and prejudice (paywalled)
Guyon Espiner (Listener): Don by lunchtime (paywalled)
Listener: Editorial: The social pages (paywalled)
John Drinnan (Herald): Way cleared for Radio NZ
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Party leaders and their succession plans