Today’s content
Dirty Politics
David Fisher (Herald): Hacker releases more of Slater's conversations
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Whaledump releases more Slater documents
Stuff: No laws broken over website hacks: Key
Adam Bennett (Herald): Judith Collins: Resignation reports a hoax
Stuff: Fake Judith Collins resignation shocks
Simon Wong (TV3): Dirty Politics: Investigation into Slater’s OIA request
Andrea Vance (Stuff): SIS handover to Slater probed
No Right Turn: The gift that keeps on giving
Paul Casserly (Herald): Dirty undies aired on TV
John Armstrong (Herald): Key's switch a necessary part of regaining control
Brian Rudman (Herald): It's only dirty politics when someone else does it
Vernon Small (Stuff): Judith Collins looking isolated
Stephen Mills (Stuff): Dirty politics and the polls
Patrick Gower (TV3): National, Whale Oil behind sneaky MP photos
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): A statement from John Key about Judith Collins
David Williams (ODT): National's support unaffected by book, Joyce says
Nicole Mathewson (Stuff): Law Society critical of Judith Collins
Southland Times: Editorial: Rats and niceties
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): Let’s not overestimate these idiots
Rob Hosking (NBR): ‘Whaledump’ to link Labour candidate and former Nat strategist (paywalled)
The Standard: Mr Clean talks Dirty Politics: Key standup transcript pt2
Chris Keall (NBR): Farrar makes changes to Kiwiblog, applies to be 'test dummy' for new regulator
The Standard: Dirty Politics roundup
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Transcribed: Sean Plunket and Wayne Tempero interview 18 August 2014
Rob Salmond (Polity): Not a political commentator
Russell Brown (Public Address): Never mind the quality ...
Michelle A’Court (Stuff): Frank may be muddled, but photos back him up
Dan Satherley (TV3): Farrar makes changes to Kiwiblog after Dirty Politics
Bryan Gould: The Political Significance of the F-Word
Jono Natusch: Key’s farcical “don’t ask, don’t tell” routine
Anthony Robins (The Standard): Dirty politics vs accountability – you can’t be smeared with the truth
TVNZ: Whaledump promises release of non 'party politics' hacked emails
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Closing Our Eyes in the Sausage Factory: Some thoughts on Nicky Hager’s book, Dirty Politics
Steve Braunias (Metro): Braunias: PM furious with Collins over murder charge
Scott Hamilton (Reading the maps): Five tweses on Whalegate
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Publishing private emails about my non-political private life: Lowering the bar of New Zealand journalism
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Hackers have no ethics, but Russell Brown does
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): I hope the NZ Herald know what they’re doing… Bryce Edwards is quite the spiteful liar!
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Bryce Edwards stood down from Herald for election season??? Are the editors drunk?
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Panic setting in for National as they realise what’s about to happen
Martyn Bradbury (Herald): Dear Toby Manhire. Bad call on backing Farrar
TVNZ: Collins on thin ice after receiving second final warning
Nicole Pryor (Radio NZ): Collins revelations damaging, say voters
Rob Salmond (Polity): More trouble for Collins
Adam Bennett (Herald): PM's 'last chance' for Collins over blog link
Lachlan Forsyth (TV3): Why is the Prime Minister standing by Collins?
Kelvin Smyth (TV3): Key can’t sack Collins because Slater would spill the beans
Mike Smith (The Standard): Naming and Shaming
Katie Bradford (TVNZ): PM stands by under-fire Collins
Stuff: Key: Collins subject of 'smear campaign'
David Fisher (Herald): Cameron Slater: Ex-PM staffer is 'gutless'
Nikki Preston (Herald): Judith Collins on her last chance - Key
Adam Bennett (Herald): English: Alleged revenge attack 'not my style'
James Ihaka (Herald): Cunliffe: Divisions among National MPs over revelations
Nick Grant (NBR): Journo still mystified by his SIS OIA success (paywalled)
Newstalk ZB: Key conceeds Collins 'unwise'
Simon Wong (TV3): Collins 'unwise' to pass information to Slater
Giovanni Tiso (Bat bean beam): Of journalism and monsters
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): John Key not concerned about Hager allegations that Judith Collins killed a man
Rachel Smalley (Newstalk ZB): Weekend dominated by ‘Dirty Politics’
Rob Salmond (Polity): Through the looking glass
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): State of play
No Right Turn: Politics does not have to be dirty
The Standard: “Mr Slater’s made it quite clear”: Key standup transcript pt1
Pete George (Your NZ): Kiwiblog steps up
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Dirty Politics book raises suspicions of broader hacking agenda
Rob Salmond (Polity): Judith Collins on cyberbullies
The Standard: Left wing blogs aren’t “the same”
Therese Cowie (Radio NZ): Blog 'used against cleaner's group'
The Standard: Aaron Bhatnagar – I barely know the guy
Dominion Post: Editorial: Key must press Collins on leak
Brent Edwards (Radio NZ): PM sticking to line over blogger
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Lawyer denies PM's claims over 'Dirty Politics'
Stuff: Demand remains high for Hager book
Dan Satherley (TV3): Key: Left-wing has 'given up' arguing policy
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Hager’s Dirty Politics: what the book ultimately reveals is abuse of power
Tim Selwyn (Tumeke): Dirty v normal politics
Jono Natusch: Student leader ‘revolted’ by politics – that’s what dirty politics does
No Right Turn: A commitment we can hold him to
Winston Peters (RadioLive): A Burglary that went horribly wrong for the president
No Right Turn: Crowdsourcing the dirt machine
Mike Smith (The Standard): The moral low ground
Corin Dann (TVNZ): Dirty Politics still raging
Rob Salmond (Polity): John Key's office and the SIS
Jarrod Gilbert: A filthy response to Dirty Politics
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): What did the Hager book amount to?
Grant Duncan (Policy matters): Dirty Politics: A review
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Actually, it's not OK
Rob Gilchrist (The Standard): On Nicky Hager
Sarah Wilson (Stuff): Hard thinking in the polling booth
Vernon Small (Stuff): Cunliffe floored by pensioner
APNZ: Internet Party a 'feminist party'
Caleb Morgan (Cut your hair): National’s policy-free politics and colossal hypocrisy
No Right Turn: Write day
Brendan Manning (Herald): Epsom debate: Candidate raises 'the elephant in the room'
Isaac Davison (Herald): Election 2014: Big two take different tacks in TV ad war
TVNZ: Election campaign set to heat up with TV ads
Simon Collins (Herald): Kim Dotcom scolded: He's 'a product of a sexist culture'
Nevil Gibson (NBR): ACT turns party pooper, warns of coming global shocks (paywalled)
TVNZ: Parties show support for religious instruction review
Tom Peters (World Socialist Website): New Zealand opposition parties campaign on anti-Chinese xenophobia
Ian Llewellyn (Election Data Consortium): Labour Supporters More Likely To Vote Than in 2011
Matthew Hooton (Election Data Consortium): Weekly Update: Nats take hit from Hager book
Ian Llewellyn (Election Data Consortium): National Loses Youth - Gains Middle Aged
Roy Morgan (Election Data Consortium): Huge majority want action on ‘Environmental problems’
NZ Election Reactor (Election Data Consortium): Reactor - Winston Rides The Worm
Ian Llewellyn (Election Data Consortium): Labour – Worst Case and Best Case Scenarios
NZ Election Reactor (Election Data Consortium): Minor Party Leaders And Land Sales – Drive The Reactor
NZ Election Reactor (Election Data Consortium): Lessons From The Reactor - Things The Worm Told Us
National’s TV ad
Simon Wong (TV3): National Party ad: Miles from Eminem?
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): National channels Eminem in election ad
TVNZ: Election campaign set to heat up with TV ads
TVNZ: Music on National's ad compared to Eminem track
Jono Natusch: National’s campaign strategy
New Zealand First
Aimee Gulliver (Stuff): Winston Peters' top 10 leaked
Caleb Harris and Aimee Gulliver (Stuff): Mark will quit as mayor if elected to Parliament
Aimee Gulliver (Stuff): Ron Mark back with NZ First
Jono Natusch: Winston Peters & the NZ First list
Electoral law
Matthew Backhouse (Herald): Electoral Commission conservative in interpretation of law
Radio NZ: Court challenge to climate voter ruling
Radio NZ: Conservatives challenge air time
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Conservatives look to challenge Electoral Commission ruling
Stuff: Spoof site became election ad court told
No Right Turn: Fiscal rectitude and false books
Nelson Mail: Editorial – Fallout shadows health of economy
Dominion Post: Editorial: Cloudy economy turning poll personal
Carole Cadwalladr (Guardian): Kim Dotcom: from playboy entrepreneur to political firebrand
Stuff: Ron Mark back with NZ First
Stuff: Today in politics: Tuesday, August 19
Tom Peters (World Socialist Website): New Zealand pseudo-lefts support Washington’s war preparations against China