Today’s content
Leaders debate
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On last night’s debate, and the Collins accusation
Adam Bennett (Herald): Sorting facts from the fiction
Morgan Tait (Herald): Buzzdial shows what clicks with voters
Vernon Small (Stuff): Where did John Key go?
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): PM's lost sense of humour
Phoebe Fletcher (TV3): Cunliffe stronger than Key in debate
TVNZ: Leaders debate winner a close call say pundits
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Viewers judge TV3 to be winner in TV One leaders’ debate
TVNZ: Vote Compass: John Key on top after first TV debate
Dan Satherley (TV3): Debate separates left from right
Greg Presland (The Standard): Cunliffe 1 Key 0
Rob Hosking (NBR): Leaders' debate and the dangers of the Churchill Syndrome (paywalled)
Election data consortium: Leaders Debate Drives The #nzpol Wordcloud
Adam Bennett and Derek Cheng (Herald): Leaders' debate: Who did Facebook like last night?
Rob Salmond (Polity): Debate 1
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): Quick post debate comment
Herald: Leaders' debate: Cunliffe the majority winner
Adam Bennett and Claire Trevett (Herald): Leaders' debate: Dirty Politics drowned out
TVNZ: Economy, Dirty Politics fire Key, Cunliffe in debate
Corin Dann (TVNZ): 'Probably a points victory to Cunliffe'
Teuila Fuatai (Herald): Big Buzz Around Election Debate
Andrea Vance and Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Debate turns slug-fest
Chris Trotter (Bowelley Road): The First Leaders' Debate: Cunliffe Shows His Quality.
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Cunliffe beats Key in First Leaders debate
Tova O’Brien (TV3): 'No guns blazing' for Key in leaders' debate
Claire Trevett (Herald): Cunliffe and Key try to claim underdog status
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): Debates don’t change anything unless they do
John Armstrong (Herald): Dirty Politics furore getting in way of campaign's economic questions
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Dodging landmines takes toll on Key
Vernon Small (Stuff): Numbers men offer voters clear options
Stuff: Campaign Diary: Saturday, August 30
James Griffin (Herald): James Griffin: Web of politics
Timaru Herald: Editorial: Voter turnout a concern
Duncan Garner (Stuff): When there's no more Mr Nice Guy, Bennett is next bet
Dominion Post: Debate sparks up dreary campaign
Waikato Times: Digesting the debate
John Armstrong (Herald): Casualties beginning to show in battle for votes
Brent Edwards (Radio NZ): Power play
Duncan Garner (RadioLive): Why I am not biased
Radio NZ: Maori Party aims to lift tertiary access
Michael Fox (Stuff): Craig takes aim at Peters
Radio NZ: Craig wins 10 seconds more air time
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Government to save $400 million by doing ice bucket challenge on behalf of whole country
TVNZ: As it happened: The Campaign Trail August 29
No Right Turn: An empty void at the heart of the election
No Right Turn: The cost of irrigation
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Should rural broadband be funded by taxpayers or telcos?
Brian Rudman (Herald): The housing crisis - a private solution
Toby Manhire (Herald): Moral drift leaves Key reading the tea leaves
Kuneblog: Paradise Lost as an election guide
The Listener: The enormity of it
Phoebe Fletcher (TV3): Chasing the enigma of the 'centre'
Blake Crayton-Brown (Stuff): It's politics, but not as you know it
Dirty Politics
Michele Hewitson (Herald): Interview: Nicky Hager
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Voters divided over who plays dirtiest
Phil Kitchin (Stuff): Complaint turns up heat on Collins
John Roughan (Herald): Internet lowers the political tone
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Dirt Alert! Are the Greens and Labour about to become the targets of a major negative advertising campaign?
Jackson James Wood (Public Address): Rocking in the Public Good: Hager and Shihad
Giovanni Tiso (Overland): Digging the dirt
David Fisher (Herald): Dirty Politics hacker 'decent and ethical' person
Radio NZ: Collins defends giving details to blogger
Mike Smith (The Standard): Cyberflailing
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): How most people get hacked
Lamia Imam (Matthew Beveridge): Peak Dirty
Diana Wichtel (Listener): A meeting of mindlessness (paywalled)
The Standard: ‘Malevolent males’, ‘Mistress Collins’ & a ‘free press’
Stuff: Cameron Slater lays police complaint
Opinion polls
Simon Collins (Herald): Poll finds rich-poor gap is the big election issue
Roy Morgan (Election data consortium): NZ's Biggest Problems Are Economic Say Voters
Colin James (Radio NZ): Poll of polls
Sebastian Klinkum (Beehive mandate): What do the new polls mean for the election?
No Right Turn: Kiwis care about inequality
Audrey Young (Herald): Poll puts Minto into Parliament
Judith Collins vs Winston Peters
Derek Cheng (Herald): Peters stands by Collins claim
Aimee Gulliver (Stuff): Peters, Key squabble over Collins 'coup attempt'
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Collins disputes Peters' claim
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The latest nonsense claim from Peters
Adam Bennett (Herald): Peters 'last person in the world' I want to work with - Collins
Rob Hosking (NBR): Winston and Judith in Wonderland (paywalled)
Nick Grant (NBR): Winston sticks to story of Collins’ post-election pitch
Brook Sabin (TV3): Peters challenges Collins to sue him
New Zealand First
Derek Cheng (Herald): Winston best card player hands down
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): Who says organisation, says oligarchy
Newswire: Dumped Andrew Williams to take legal action
TVNZ: Williams taking NZ First to court over dumping
Willie Jackson (RadioLIve): Winston Peters the kingmaker
Aimee Gulliver (Stuff): Williams takes NZ First to court over list
Derek Cheng (Herald): Dumped NZ First MP Andrew Williams to fight axing
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Labour leader dances off the back foot
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): How Cullen helped Cunliffe stare down Key
Isaac Davison (Herald): Cunliffe a new man after debate
Michael Fox (Stuff): Labour denies change on Lochinver sale
Lloyd Burr (RadioLive): Cunliffe’s walking on sunshine
Tova O’Brien (TV3): Cunliffe's Lochinver sale stance weakening - Key
Kim Baker Wilson (Radio NZ): Cunliffe now unsure over Lochinver sale
Steven Cowan (Against the current): The Dismal politics of the Green Party
Ian Llewellyn (Election data consortium): Green Support Divided By Age And Gender
The Standard: Key can’t work with the Greens because…
David Kennedy (Local bodies): Green Election Policy Highly Sophisticated
TVNZ: NZ prisons must abandon 'inhuman' practices - report
Mark Blackham (Political business): Social Media Magnification: What it is to go viral
Stacy Kirk (Stuff): Women's place 'is in the Cabinet'