Today’s content
Labour Party
Phil Quin (Pundit): Labour's dilemma: The unelectable leader
Chris Bramwell (RNZ): Labour's leadership contest a four-way race
Eileen Goodwin (ODT): Parker joins Labour race
Dom Post: Editorial: Beware of giving in to populism
TVNZ: Too many Davids, not enough diversity in Labour leadership race
Brendan Manning (Herald): David Parker to run for Labour leader
Newswire: David Parker to run for Labour leadership
Newswire: David Parker flags idea of referendum on superannuation
Herald: Editorial: It's time for Cunliffe to step aside
Kirsty Wynn (Herald): Too many chiefs in Labour contest
Vernon Small (Stuff): Robertson reveals party push
David Farrar (KIwiblog): Robertson is nominated
Kelly Dennett (Stuff): David Parker running for Labour leadership
The Standard: Q&A with Andrew Little
Pete George (Your NZ): Andrew Little at The Standard
NBR: Labour should have spurned Dotcom's party — Little
Will Matthews (The Left Estate): Option D?
Fine Tooth Column: Labour’s big tent revival
NBR: Parker confirms tilt at Labour leadership
Claire Trevett (Herald): Parker expected to run for Labour leader
Claire Trevett (Herald): Labour leadership hopefuls get their bids in
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Parker poised for leadership bid
RNZ: Parker set to contest Labour leadership
TV3: Labour race a 'fight for survival' – panel
Taranaki Daily News: Little has backing for Labour leadership
Manawatu Standard: He may be Little, but he's a big player
Occasionally Erudite: What effect will Andrew Little have on the leadership race?
Ian Apperley (NBR): Is this the death of the Labour Party we are witnessing?
Newswire: David Shearer considers standing for Labour leadership
NBR: 'Incredibly divisive' if Cunliffe returns as leader — Shearer
Pat O’Dea (Daily Blog): Guest blog: Who would you SUPPORT as Labour Party leader?
Curwen Rolinson (Daily Blog): Guest blog: Why Andrew Little’s a credible contender for the Labour leadership
TV3: Labour leadership saga a ‘circus’ – Jami-Lee Ross
Anjum Rahman (Daily Blog): Guest blog: Shifting focus: towards building an effective opposition
Slightly Left of Centre: We must understand the bug
Slightly Left of Centre: Connecting the Heartland and the Beltway
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Is David Cunliffe going to quit the race?
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Robbo continues to show Labour’s condescension toward voters
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): It’s a miracle: Within 24 hours everyone agrees Andrew Little is the new messiah
Alliance: We Don’t Need Another Hero
Efeso Collins (Daily Blog): Labour, leadership and White blokes
John Armstrong (Herald): Key hits ground running as Labour squabbles
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): What's ahead for National?
Rod Oram (Stuff): A radical shift
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Key starts to flesh out poverty & housing plans
NZ intervention in Middle East
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Reasons to doubt Key's spy overhaul
Graeme Edgeler (Public Address): Terrorism is already illegal
Lauren Baker (RNZ): Terror intention hard to prove – experts
John Minto (Daily Blog): John Key uses the same old warmongering recipe
TVNZ: PM denies scaremongering to push through terrorist law changes
Stuff: IS sparks terror law tightening
Vernon Small (Stuff): Key mulls air support in IS fight
TVNZ: Cabinet to consider changes to NZ terror laws
TVNZ: Key on ISIS fight: There are risks but it would be odd to do nothing
Claire Trevett (Herald): 'Odd' if NZ shunned Isis fight: Key
Brendan Manning and Amy Maas (Herald): PM still considering NZ's role in Isis fight
Amanda Gillies (TV3): Key warns against IS domestic threat
TV3: NZ should be involved in fight against IS - John Key
AAP (Guardian): New Zealand PM considers new laws to detain potential Isis recruits
Herald: Isis fight: NZ might join combat operations
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):Air support sounds okay
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Want to see new Nu Zilind? Read the comments section of Andrea Vance’s column
Nicky Hager and Dirty Politics
Russell Brown (Public Address): The Hager saga continues
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): We need to know who tried to fit up SFO boss
John Roughan (Herald): Press can be too precious about its rights
Rodney Hide (Herald): Hager shouldn't be surprised by raid
Nick Grant (NBR): Key talks dirty... Dirty Politics, that is
State surveillance
No Right Turn: The GCSB has been using our embassies as spybases
Kiwipolitico: Blog Link: NZ embassies used for signals intelligence gathering.
Claire Trevett (Herald): Minister in charge of keeping secrets
Dave Armstrong (Stuff): The sad state of our state housing
Herald: Editorial: Voters should have been told of reform
Bernard Hickey (Herald): Living wage is good for everyone
Richard Meadows (Stuff): Kiwis face financial insecurity
Richard Meadows, Matt Stewart and Ged Cann (Stuff): Living week to week
Michael Wright (Stuff): Turbulence on the airwaves
Stuart Nash (NBR): Guest opinion: Crony capitalism undermines sustainable growth
Vernon Small (Stuff): New conservation minister endorses 1080
Stuff: Flavell calls justice system racist
Press: Council elections to restore democracy – Key
Vernon Small (Stuff): Colin Craig drops defamation lawsuit
Vernon Tava: Greens in Local Government
Herald: Editorial: Parliament better for Harawira's departure
Fundamentally Useless: If the ivory tower can’t go to the people, the people should go to the ivory tower