Today’s content
NZ intervention in Middle East
Paul Buchanan (Kiwipolitico): Lying, clueless or incompetent.
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Key denies call made to join coalition
RNZ: NZ could join fight against IS – expert
Adam Bennett (Herald): Public misled on US talks: Goff
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Military meeting regular or irregular?
Peter Wilson and Sarah Robson (Newswire): John Key weighs up options in fight against IS
Brook Sabin (TV3): John Key denies NZ part of coalition against IS
TVNZ: John Key denies that NZ is set for war
Audrey Young (Herald): Anti-Isis summit 'regular meeting' - John Key
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): NZ, world defence chiefs discuss IS
Mike Treen (Fightback): Why workers need our own “foreign policy” based on solidarity
Labour Party
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On David Shearer’s latest outburst
Vernon Small (Stuff): Labour circus drags on
Claire Trevett (Herald): Factions and females - F words dog Labour
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): The Discordant Chimes of Freedom: Why Labour has yet to be forgiven.
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Former MP Fenton backs Robertson for top job
ODT: Editorial: Leadership of a troubled party
Nelson Evening Mail: Hard Labour ahead to select leader
Herald: Editorial: Electorate MPs best placed to pick leader
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The other five affiliate unions should follow the SFWU lead
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Little has the most potential
Mike Hosking (Herald): Only one wave worth catching
The Standard: Why I’m voting for Andrew Little
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): A Labour Party action plan
Pete George (Your NZ): Rating Labour’s contenders
Claire Trevett (Herald): Grant Robertson trims down ahead of Labour leadership race
Josh Forman (Slightly left of centre): The Daily poison
Nick Grant (NBR): Cunliffe camp engaged in dirty politics against Labour rivals – Shearer (paywalled)
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Throwing my hat into the ring
Waatea News: Mahuta promising something different
Bryce Edwards (Liberation): Top tweets about Andrew Little and his cat Buddy
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On child poverty
No Right Turn: An example of the problem
Jessica Roden (Northern Advocate): MP to take letters to 'Dear John'
Manawatu Standard: Cheaper to stay on benefit than to learn more
NZ Flag
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Two-step flag referendum outlined by PM John Key
Simon Wong (TV3): Key outlines flag referendum timeline
TVNZ: Key backtracks on colour scheme for new NZ flag
TVNZ: Key admits strong public resistance to flag change
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): How about this for a new flag design?
Judith Collins
Andrea Vance and Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Collins omission may have been mishandled
TVNZ: John Key: We should have explained Honourable decision to Judith Collins
Isaac Davison (Herald): Key: Collins likely to get 'Honourable' title after inquiry
Isaac Davison (Herald): Mallard stands up for Collins
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Collins’ title
Nick Grant (NBR): Collins makes nice with Key – ‘Everyone makes mistakes’ (paywalled)
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): PM admits using delaying tactics
Nick Grant (NBR): Key’s OIA delay admission – ‘that’s just the way the world works’ (paywalled)
Pat O’Dea (Daily Blog): Mana 2.0 Rebooted
Jamie Ball (NBR): Joyce disputes corporate welfare analysis (paywalled)
Eric Crampton (Offsetting behaviour): On offence
The Standard: The power & the pressure
Bruce Bisset (Hawkes’ Bay Today): Greens need political lesson
Audrey Young (Herald): UN campaign of huge benefit to NZ – McCully
Dita De Boni (Herald): NZ independent? Tell that to the marines
Morgan Godfery (Guardian): The US can learn a lot from New Zealand on how to embrace indigenous cultures
Anne Gibson (Herald): Reform will be aimed at house affordability – Smith
ODT: Govt's chance to heal rift with educators
Michael Sergel (Newstalk ZB): Tariana Turia leaves parliament but not politics
Daniel Lynch (Herald): NZ wealth growth on top of the world
Catherine Harris (Stuff): NZ tops for wealth growth
Stuff: Survey shows farmers ready to tighten belts
No Right Turn: The failure of the Ombudsman
Wilma McKay (Stuff): Law can't deal with 'revenge porn' - Rape Crisis
Greg O'Connor (Herald): Time to get real and arm our police