Today’s content
Herald: Editorial: Speaker gives PM, ministers a licence to duck for cover
Duncan Garner (TV3): Key is always the PM – it’s not a part-time gig
Taranaki Daily News: Editorial: Slipping in and out of the emperor's cloak
Adam Bennett and Brendan Manning (Herald): Key should have answered WhaleOil question – Speaker
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): There appears to be an off button
RNZ: Key's blogger response questioned
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Key spoke to Cameron Slater ‘not as Prime Minister’, but as a sponge
Jono Natusch (Occasionally Erudite): The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins – the John Key edition
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Collins still in opposition's sights
Nick Grant (NBR): ‘Bland’, ‘predictable’, ‘vacuous’ – govt’s third term programme critiqued (paywalled)
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Labour leadership race: Focussing the message
Vernon Small (Stuff): Labour leadership selection woes
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Labour change needed: Candidates
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Parker kicks off leadership campaign
Phil Quin (Pundit): Grant Robertson is not as much like Joseph Stalin as some would have you think
The Standard: A encomium for Nanaia Mahuta
Harry Love (ODT): Labour must stick to its message
Matthew Beveridge (Social Media): Labour leadership challengers: Who runs the accounts?
Nicky Hager and Dirty Politics
Brendan Manning (Herald): Police take Hager to court over sources
Laura Walters (Herald): Nicky Hager challenges police raid
TV3: Nicky Hager takes police to court over Dirty Politics raid
RNZ: Legislation 'may not protect Hager'
Anthony Robins (Standard): Hager vs police – suppressing debate
John Drinnan (Herald): TVNZ losing Maori link
RNZ: TVNZ Pasifika shows 'will be produced'
RNZ: TVNZ opts out of Maori, Pacific shows
RNZ: MP questions TVNZ's future
Myles Thomas (Daily Blog): Marae Investigates No More
Jane Clifton (Listener): ‘Friends’ with benefits (paywalled)
Toby Manhire (Herald): Pomp and tosh in fantasyland
Audrey Young (Herald): Judith Collins on two parliamentary select committees
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The 51st Parliament Select Committees
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Assistant Speaker Trevor
Newswire/TV3: Parliament needs armed guards - O'Connor
Lydia Anderson and Simon Wong (TV3): Parliament security tightened after Canada shooting
Peter Wilson (Newswire): Canada attack wake-up call for Kiwi MPs
Newswire: NZ diplomats caught in Canada lockdown
OIA abuse
David Fisher (Herald): Opinion: OIA a bizarre arms race
No Right Turn: Freedom of information: How it works in Norway
Parliamentary spending
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): McCully tops ministerial expenses list
Vernon Small (Stuff): PM gifts food hamper to Helen Clark
Isaac Davison (Herald): Departing MPs' one last spend-up
Newswire: Hone Harawira tops MP spending list
NZ intervention in Middle East
Gordon Campbelll (Scoop): On the tokenism of New Zealand‘s role against Islamic State
Brent Edwards (RNZ): Terrorism is a threat but lest we forget
Nigel Parsons and Beth Greener (Dom Post): Careful steps needed over Isis
Nathan Smith (NBR): Key 'not going to walk away' from defending NZ against terror (paywalled)
David Rutherford (Herald): If we live in fear, terrorists win
Brian Fallow (Herald): Wealth gap goes mainstream
Adam Bennett (Herald): Child poverty: 'Substantial policy' needed
Newswire: Charity: PM needs to do more to stop child poverty
Jack McDonald (On the Left): Workers’ rights under attack
Dan Satherley (TV3): Russel Norman: Shell Todd must be held to account
No Right Turn: National lets Shell drill illegally
Tova O’Brien (TV3): Harawira hired sex offenders with taxpayer money
Pete George (Your NZ): Once Were Mana
Stuff: Today in politics: Friday, October 24
Stuff: Today in Politics: October 23
Patrick Gower (TV3): This week in politics - October 23, 2014
Stuff: Beehive Live: Employment law clash
Listener: Editorial – True merit
Diana Wichtel (Listener): The controversial commissioner (paywalled)
Audrey Young (Herald): Spy advisory panel members named
Whena Owen (TV3): Cheesemaker takes a stand against Govt
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): NZ well-prepared against Ebola: Coleman
Fundamentally Useless: The quiet privileges
Kieren Gera (On the Left): Wanted: more fertiliser and horse manure
Jem Yoshioka (On the Left): Why I am on the left
Nicole Skews (On the left): Why I’m Left: happiness, solidarity and community
John Clements (Herald): City that's big but far from super
Muriel Newman (NZCPR): Manipulating Charities
Herald: NZ among world's best countries to move to, survey finds
Stuff: Guinea pig for drink-drive tech
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): NZ won election on the first round
Newswire: NZ First calls for urgent debate on immigration