NZ POLITICS DAILY: October 28 2014
NZ POLITICS DAILY: October 28 2014
NZ POLITICS DAILY: October 28 2014
Today’s content
Audrey Young (Herald): Where MPs are lining up in Labour leadership race
Adam Hollingsworth (TV3): Labour's leadership contenders out campaigning
Audrey Young (Herald): Leadership rivals mark Labour Day
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): Labour Needs To Stop Saying What People DON"T want to hear.
Grant Duncan (Policy Matters): Does Labour have leadership?
Jack Montgomerie (Stuff): Heed provinces, Labour leader candidates told
TVNZ: Will South Auckland support a gay Labour leader?
Willie Jackson (RadioLive): Grant Robertson
Ben Clark (Standard): I’m backing Grant
The Standard:Andrew Little’s Palmerston North Speech
Stuff: Live chat review: Labour leadership candidate Andrew Little
Anjum Rahman (Daily Blog): Guest blog – “Meritocracy? I wish.”
The Standard: All Things Being Equal…
TV3: Labour seeks to reverse 10-year decline
Pete George (Your NZ): Clare Curran survey: 1 = not at all related
RNZ: Call for 'transparency' at Maori TV
RNZ: Organisation questions TVNZ's commitment
RNZ: Funder supports TVNZ outsourcing
RNZ: TVNZ Pacific presenter upbeat on outsourcing
No Right Turn: Political interference at Maori Television
Bryce Edwards (Liberation): Top tweets about TVNZ outsourcing of Maori programme production
Bevan Chuang: Diverse Media Programming
Fightback: Moves to gut public and Maori broadcasting
Giovanni Tiso (Bat Bean Beam): Dirty journalism
Jarrod Gilbert: Why we must pay for our online media
Matthew Beveridge (Social Media): Twitter Stats: 24 October
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): No regrets from Peters
Steve Braunias (Stuff): The secret diary of . . . David Seymour
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Former stars fall down ladder
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Ideological Blitzkrieg – Privatization of state housing, more charter schools & more union crushing employment law
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): And if you have to carry a gun to keep your fragile seat at number one ...
Mark Blackham (Political Business): Parliaments must be vulnerable to save democracy
Audrey Young (Herald): What the new MPs' maiden speeches say about them
Curwen Ares Rolinson (Daily Blog): The Questions Have Been Asked – They Deserve An Answer
Nelson Evening Mail: Editorial: Disregard for free flow of information
Dirty Politics
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Key misses opportunity to clear air with more questions to come
David Fisher (Herald): Nicky Hager gets high-powered legal help
Pete George (Your NZ): On Slater and dirty politics and “Dirty Politics”
Pete George (Your NZ): On Hager and “Dirty Politics and dirty politics
Pete George (Your NZ): Dirt and “Dirty Politics” yet to come
ERA reform and Labour Day
Vernon Small (Stuff): Government sends signal with new bill
RNZ: Trial period doesn't create jobs – Labour
Dom Post: Workers need regular rest breaks
TVNZ: Controversial 'tea break' law fails to fly in National's first week
Asher Goldman (On the Left): The ERA changes and what we do next
Rodney Hide (Herald): Working day victory a union myth
Stephanie Rodgers (On the Left): A rightwing fairytale about Labour Day
David Kennedy (Local Bodies): Thoughts on Labour Day and the New Zealand Worker
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Falling for Labour spin
John Armstrong (Herald): Taxpayer looks the loser in English's pet reform
Herald: Editorial: Kiwi dream needs Govt on board
Duncan Garner (Manawatu Standard): I'm an instant millionaire - but can't afford my house
Rob Stock (Stuff): Call for apartment rethink
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): When is an asset sale not an asset sale? When it robs from the poor and steals for the rich
Malaysian diplomat allegations
Amy Maas (Herald): Charges humiliating and embarrassing for family and Malaysia, says MP
RNZ: High public interest in diplomat – MP
TVNZ: 'Catch-22' facing foreign student debate – academic
RNZ: Uni debate 'must focus on quality'
TV3: NZ universities told to follow Australia offshore
Torben Arkel (TV3): What the TPP means for New Zealand
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): TPP trade deal no sure thing, Groser
Newswire: Trans-Pacific Partnership deal 'still lousy' - law professor
Audrey Young (Herald): Groser has big concerns about dairy in TPP
Newswire: Trans-Pacific trade deal firming
RNZ: 'Significant progress' in TPP trade deal
Bernard Hickey (Herald): Prepare to pin on your nappies
Jonathan Carson (Stuff): New recession looming says economist
UN Security Council seat
Michael Timmins (Daily Blog): My insecurity about the Security Council
Jordan Ward (Dom Post): UN seat triumph just a numbers game
Colin James (ODT): Security matters: Key’s ups and downs
Ron Smith (NZCPR): The Terrorist Threat
No Right Turn: Turning a blind eye to corruption
Taranaki Daily News: Our reputation needs to be justified
Herald: The best place to raise a child? New Zealand
Fundamentally Useless: Angry white men and legal highs
Narelle Henson (Waikato Times): Help the parents, not just the kids
Press: Editorial: No easy answer on suppression
John Roughan (Herald): Ocean eco-caution being taken too far
On the Left: Because they wanted a better life for me
Christine Rose (Daily Blog): Hegemony rules but resistance is fertile
Andrew Gunn (Press): Saturday Satire: Let's use Tasers on scumbags