NZ POLITICS DAILY: October 29 2014
NZ POLITICS DAILY from Dr Bryce Edwards
NZ POLITICS DAILY from Dr Bryce Edwards
Today’s content
Audrey Young (Herald): Govt's 'tea-break' employment bill ready to become law
RNZ: Workers' rights still protected - EMA
Newswire: Employment law changes set to pass
The Standard: Collective bargaining? Yeah right
Dan Satherley (TV3): Equal pay ruling 'small cost for quality' – King
No Right Turn: Cementing pay equity?
Sophie Ryan (Herald): Landmark pay equality decision upheld
RNZ: Pay parity a long way off, lawyer says
Shane Cowlishaw (Stuff): Win for equal pay campaign
Editorial: Judicial law rewrite isn't pay answer
Asher Goldman (On the Left): Another step towards pay equity
Integrity Talking Points: NZ slips further on the Global Gender Gap index
Southland Times: Editorial: Workers take wins where they can
Richard Meadows (Stuff): Poll shows insecurity over work
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): More trade union lies
Claire Dunn (Stuff): Nine to five consigned to history?
Newswire: Christchurch employment scheme 'transforming lives' – Tolley
Peter Cresswell (Not PC): National are “seeking to undermine collective bargaining” aka the strike-threat system
TV3: Little backed by Dairy Workers Union
Claire Trevett (Herald): Labour leadership: More union support for Little
Vernon Small (Stuff): Dairy workers back Little in Labour bid
Brian Edwards: On flocks of drunken sheep and pillow-fighting teenage girls
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): How does Andrew Little win Labour Leadership and unify the caucus?
Liam Hehir (Manawatu Standard): Labour's secret leaders ballot is no 'primary'
Keir Leslie (Progress Report): Why Labour Did Not Did Not Win
Saeran Maniparathy (Beehive Mandate): Labour Leadership Contest: an Update – Has Andrew Little already won?
TVNZ: Labour leadership hopefuls out to woo Nelson voters
Jonathan Wood (Stuff): Labour Party needs leader, not follower
Matthew Beveridge (Social Media): Labour's rainy day
Dirty Politics
Newswire: Key confirms Whale Oil conversation
Corin Dann (TVNZ): Opposition keeps up attack on Key over Dirty Politics
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Key: Our politics aren't dirty
Steven Price (Media Law):The blogger and the journalist
Lyn Prentice (Standard): Slater sued
Child Poverty
Paloma Migone (RNZ): NZ child poverty rate static - UNICEF report
Renee Graham (TVNZ): NZ 'stagnated' on child poverty and inequality – UNICEF
Tessa Jonstone (Stuff): Little progress in child poverty - Unicef report
NZ intervention in Middle East
Adam Bennett (Herald): Anti-jihadist law will have narrow focus – PM
Vernon Small (Stuff): Passport controls to target foreign fighters
Patrice Dougan (Herald): Isis will 'rain carnage on the world' - John Key
Newswire: Key: Action against IS 'morally right'
John Banks
Newswire: John Banks calls new witnesses in appeal
Sophie Ryan (Herald): John Banks heads to Court of Appeal today
Russell Brown (Public Address): TVNZ: Emptied out
RNZ: Plea for programmes to stay on TVNZ
Christchurch Convention Centre OIA
Rob Salmond (Polity): Gerry Brownlee, the OIA, and the Christchurch Convention Centre
No Right Turn: Improper?
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On the TPP finishing line, and Amazon’s woes
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim Post): Hiatus interruptus
Southland Times: Editorial: Let's not sound the alarm too soon
Kelly Ellis (Daily Blog): Privilege cheque
Curwen Ares Rolinson (Daily Blog): That Hella-Weird Feeling When You Defend Tova O’Brien
Daily Blog: Guest bog: Joe Trinder – Right of response to Curwen
Dom Post: Editorial: Shades of blue for Greens doesn't sit right
Phil McCarthy (Stuff): 'Corrupt' power market attacked
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): 'NZ needs to do more to fight Ebola'
RNZ: Research unit to idenitfy needs
Michael Potts (Herald): G20 NZ's chance to make a real difference
Newswire: NZ, Fiji look to resume diplomatic relations
Richard Benge (Herald): Govt must paint brighter picture for all
Ruminator: The time John Key lied and said I threw an egg at an old man
Tami Louisson (Herald): Govt grants vital for would-be exporters
Charlie Gates (Stuff): Racism rows rile university students
Redline: Symposium on The Way Forward, 3: The miseries of political life
Blake Crayton-Brown (Dom Post): PM's bodyguard gone to the dogs