Outgoing CEO’s heartfelt plea
Lorraine Warshaw submerges into a pool of 8-degree water on her last day in the job.
Lorraine Warshaw submerges into a pool of 8-degree water on her last day in the job.
Lorraine Warshaw isn’t going out with a bang as much as a sploosh.
On Friday, her last day with Heart Kids, the outgoing CEO took a five-minute plunge into an pool of 8-degree water to raise money for the Auckland-based charity, which supports children with heart conditions and their families.
As explained in a YouTube video, the so-called heart stopper challenge represents the “icy slush” which fills a child’s chest cavity during open-heart surgery, which slows down the metabolism and allows for a longer operating time.
For every dollar raised, until midnight on May 31, Ms Warshaw will contribute another 50c.
There are about 450 open-heart operations performed on New Zealand children every year.
Ms Warshaw’s replacement is former Napier City councillor Rob Lutter, whose son Zac was born with multiple heart defects.
Earlier this week, the charity changed its name to Heart Kids, from @Heart.