Parker unveils $2bn rebuild plan featuring light rail
Christchurch $2bn draft rebuild plan features an array of civic enhancements including light rail
Christchurch $2bn draft rebuild plan features an array of civic enhancements including light rail
A $400 million light rail system is the centerpiece of Christchurch City’s new $2 billion central business district draft rebuild plan.
The plan released today is a wish list of civic amenities from more than 100,000 public submissions.
Light rail has been a pet project of mayor Bob Parker.
The cash-strapped earthquake-ravaged city is currently a hive of infrastructure construction activity as teams repair long overdue maintenance on collapsed sewer and water pipes, roads and bridges.
But the new plan outlines a vision of new buildings and ecological design.
Other big ticket items include a metropolitan sports centre for $280 million, a $45 million theatre, $48 million for bus streets and stations, $200 million for a convention centre, and various street and civic enhancements of several millions of dollars including incentives for residential building.
Other repairs and “alliance works are valued at $358 million.
The sources of funding remain unclear. The city council can only estimate rating income for the current year due to dislocation of residents.
The plan is open for submissions.