In the wake of the NSA/Prism mass surveillance scandal, the govenment has granted an extension for submissions to the GCSB Bill - originally due today - until June 21.
But the original deadline for submissions to the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Bill, or TICSA, remains today.
A coalition of industry groups - InternetNZ, Tuanz, NZRise, CatalystIT and the Institute of IT Professionals (IITPNZ) - wrote to the Prime Minister John Key and Law and Order Committee Chairwoman Jacqui Dean requesting extra time.
The Prism revelationis raised "novel and complex issues," InternetNZ policy lead Susan Chalmers told NBR ONLINE.
The letter, said "These issues are still unfolding and, accordingly, we require more time to evaluate and prepare considered responses. We request that the submission deadline for each Bill be extended by two to four weeks."
Ms Chalmers said issues raised by Prism applied to both bills.
Although it would have preferred more time, InternetNZ would meet today's deadline for its telco intercept bill submission, the policy lead said [UPDATE: Interception Bill could harm Internet economy – InternetNZ submission].
The GCSB Bill will extend the agency's powers to spy on New Zealanders. TICSA will see the GCSB involved in telecommunications companies' network design, choice of network technology supplier, and the way they store their customer data.