RAW DATA: New decile ratings for every school
More than 2400 state and state-integrated schools had their decile rating recalculated following last year's Census.
More than 2400 state and state-integrated schools had their decile rating recalculated following last year's Census.
New decile ratings for schools across the country have been released by the Ministry of Education today.
More than 2400 state and state-integrated schools had their decile rating recalculated following last year's Census.
A decile rating determines how much funding per pupil a school receives — the logic being schools with richer parents have more capacity for fundraising and soliciting "voluntary" donations.
10 is allocated to schools in the wealthiest 10% of areas; 1 to the poorest 10% on the ten point scale.
Schools with an increased decile rating will lose funding. The funding cuts will be phased in over the next 18 months.
Click here to see the Ministry's searchable Excel spreadsheet of every school's rating.