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Sainsbury takes permanent gig at MediaWorks

MediaWorks says the show called Sunday Mornings with Mark Sainsbury, will review the major news events of the week and look at the week ahead

Fri, 27 Jun 2014

MediaWorks has signed former Close Up presenter Mark Sainsbury for a RadioLIVE weekend slot.

He will compete for Sunday morning radio audiences with former RadioLIVE host Wallace Chapman, whose Radio NZ show runs from 7am to noon.

Mr Sainsbury had been filling in for Mr Chapman since March.

MediaWorks says the show called Sunday Mornings with Mark Sainsbury, will review the major news events of the week and look at the week ahead.

A 9am “Soundtrack to Your Life” feature will take a look at the lives and musical influences of well-known New Zealanders, with Winston Peters this weekend.

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Sainsbury takes permanent gig at MediaWorks