Sale of part of Fisher & Paykel site falls through
The sale of a second lot of land and buildings owned Fisher&Paykel Appliances Holdings Ltd at East Tamaki has fallen through.
The sale of a second lot of land and buildings owned Fisher&Paykel Appliances Holdings Ltd at East Tamaki has fallen through.
The sale of a second lot of land and buildings owned Fisher&Paykel Appliances Holdings Ltd at East Tamaki has fallen through.
The company sold its refrigeration manufacturing facility, head office and the former laundry manufacturing building to Direct Property for $53 million in October 2009.
A second lot comprising the remainder of the East Tamaki site was also sold to Direct Property but that sale was conditional on finance.
The sale did not go through. The unsold property is still considered to be surplus to requirements and is on four titles.
Fisher&Paykel is considering its options for marketing it either as one lot or on individual titles.