Steve Ballmer's Martin Tasker moment
Microsoft boss says Google has a monopoly, his company has next to no mobile market share.
Microsoft boss says Google has a monopoly, his company has next to no mobile market share.
Adopting the kind of downbeat attitude you'd normally associate with depressive America's Cup commentator Martin Tasker, departing Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer yesterday told financial analysts "Mobile devices. We have almost no share."
Today, he said Google has an "incredible, amazing, dare I say monopoly." He then talked darkly about Google's grip on the search advertising market, and said its practices are "worthy of discussion" with regulators.
His company also released a vox pop video about how much people dislike its Internet Explorer web browser (though with the kicker that they're warming to its IE 11 preview):
Enough with the candor already Mr Ballmer, we get that you're the underdog.