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Top NZ tweets about Nelson Mandela’s death

Bryce Edwards
Fri, 06 Dec 2013

This is a selection of some of the more interesting tweets from the NZ twittersphere in reaction to the death of Nelson Mandela. As usual, it’s in (roughly) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. And inclusion does not indicate any endorsement. 

Duncan Garner ‏@Garner_Live

Should the PM take John Minto and Trevor Richards in his delegation to Mandela's funeral? I say yes. Your thoughts?


Hamish Keith ‏@hamish_keith

John Minto must be part of the New Zealand delegation to Nelson Mandela funeral


Jonathan King ‏@MrJonathanKing

@Garner_Live Seriously though - wasn't the Tour a key time in NZ history? And key to NZ's relationship with Mandela? Why can't he remember?


wallacechapman ‏@wallacelchapman

As a man who played his part in dismantling apartheid, John Minto has GOT to be part of, perhaps spearhead, the official delegation..

Tamara ‏@amiriteeh

@wallacelchapman The irony is that the guy who can't remember his position on apartheid is going instead, as a representative


Raybon Kan ‏@RaybonKan

Can the NZ media ask players on the Cavaliers tour to South Africa in 1986 how they feel about Mandela?


Simon Bradwell ‏@simonbradwellnz

Nice gesture by players in #NZvsWI test to observe a moment of silence for Nelson Mandela


Clare Curran ‏@clarecurranmp

I remember which side I was on during the 1981 Springbok Tour. And I remember why!#madiba


Kim Baker Wilson ‏@kimbakerwilson

The @Auckland_Museum will be lit up blue, green, red and yellow to reflect the South African flag #Mandela


Celia Wade-Brown ‏@WellingtonMayor

Haere rā Mandela


David Joseph Dobbyn ‏@davidjdobbyn

Madiba is with The Lord. Rejoice brothers & sisters XX 


Aunty Haurangi ‏@_surlymermaid

Do you think attending Mandel's tangi will jog John Key's memory about whether he supported the Springbok tour?


fuimaono-sapolu ‏@Eliota_Sapolu

My parents protested the 1981 Springbok tour, against Apartheid, with me in the pram. Mandela always been a hero for our Samoan family. #RIP


Nadine Chalmers-Ross ‏@BusinessNadine

"When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace". Mandela can certainly do that


Metiria Turei ‏@metiria

Who would have thought in the midst of the apartheid evil that Nelson Mandela would die of old age, loved & cared for by friends & family? 


Barry Soper ‏@barrysoper

Wonder whether Key now remembers what position he took during the 81 Springbok tour?


Peter Dunne ‏@PeterDunneMP

Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela - imagine if they are now together and comparing notes


Stella Duffy ‏@stellduffy

NZ/Aotearoa 1981 was a poignant, hard & vital time. I consider myself lucky to have been 18 when our politics was all about #Mandela


Joseph Durie ‏@Joe_Ray_Me

#StuffNZ continuing their pursuit of being a real life version of @TheOnion


Emma Jolliff ‏@emtvnews

Nelson Mandela's legacy puts a generation obsessed with selfies to shame. We need to listen and learn.


Winston Aldworth ‏@WinstonAldworth

Wonder if John Key has remembered which side he was on in the 1981 Springbok Tour debate...


Helen Kelly ‏@helenkellyCTU

I hope the Govt delegation to Mandelas funeral includes Sir Ted Thomas, Trevor Richards and other anti apartheid heroes #respect


The Ruminator ‏@RuminatorNZ

Do you think on days like this, media facing people are terrified to release anything in case it's deemed "insensitive"?


Mihingarangi Forbes ‏@Mihi_Forbes

1981 our house a protest centre, placards in garage, vivid memories black men with burning tyres on necks, Mandela hung on our wall. Moe mai


Governor-General NZ ‏@GovGeneralNZ

The Governor-General pays tribute to former South African President Nelson Mandela#NelsonMandela …


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ

Teary eyes. Mandela arrives in Springbok gear @ 17:40. Celebrations from 2:25:00. Middle bit too painful to watch. …


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit

1. How many current NZ politicians supported the 1981 Springbok Tour? Gerry Brownlee was one. I interviewed him in 2009. He said ...

Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit

2. "I supported the tour. I have to say that towards the end of that tour I was of a view that perhaps it wasn't worth the effort ...

Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit

3. ‘‘But you can't give in to the mobsters who went from one end of the country to the other wreaking havoc ...

Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit

4. "There are a lot of people who try to justify what I consider to be totally irrational behaviour by saying this was a seminal moment ...

Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit

5. " ... in New Zealand history and they were part of it. It's absolute garbage." (Brownlee, 2009)


Olivier Jutel ‏@OJutel

@RadioOne91FM Playing on the Revolution right now: Nelson Mandela tribute Livestream at 


Tim Fookes Mornings ‏@talkbacktim

Political editor @barrysoper met Nelson Mandela numerous times. He shared his stories with me earlier, listen here 


Guy Williams ‏@guywilliamsguy

Great work on the Mandela tweets guys... Some lovely tributes... and some people who seem confused but just stoked to be part of the action.


Clare Curran ‏@clarecurranmp

Mandela. Amandla Ngawethu


Guy Williams ‏@guywilliamsguy

"The passing of Nelson Mandela has really put it all into perspective for me"... 5 minutes... "WHY IS THE INTERNET SO SLOW GOD DAMN MY LIFE"


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery

When someone's having an emotional moment, don't jump in with a political tweet. Believe it or not, you don't have The Most Important Point.


Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga ‏@MaungakiekieSAM

A sad day as Nelson Mandela one of the world's greatest statesmen passes away! RIP Nelson. …


John Key ‏@johnkeypm

Nelson Mandela was inspirational. On behalf of NZ I’d like to express my sincere condolences to his family and all South Africans.


Winston Peters ‏@winstonpeters

The legacy left by Nelson Mandela will have a lasting effect on his country. Our sympathies are with his family & the people of South Africa


Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso

One of history's great political leaders has died. No better way to honour it than to be political.


Idiot/Savant ‏@norightturnnz

Do not feel competant to write a Mandela post.


Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams

Nelson Mandela was a politician, of COURSE he was, and lived a life in politics. But to many people he was a lot more than that.


paulbrislen ‏@paulbrislen

Waiting to see what trash is thrown out on such a news day...


Lew ‏@LewSOS

Bugger all this "no politics today" nonsense. Mandela, as all revolutionaries, was fundamentally a political man, who lived a political life

>Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ

@LewSOS Agree. His book reveals him as a hard-nosed & v sophisticated politician not just a Gandhi-like saint. That was what made him great 

Lew ‏@LewSOS

@MatthewHootonNZ Exactly. Airbrushed legends are nice, but humans can inspire humans. Truth is better, not just stranger, than fiction.

Craig Ranapia ‏@CMRanapia

@MatthewHootonNZ @LewSOS And one who made a lot of mistakes, and whose legacy is far from simple. That's what human beings are like.

Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams

@LewSOS i wasn't saying today. i was saying a few minutes. the speed with which some people leapt on it was pretty awful.


Jordan McCluskey ‏@JordanMcCluskey

Out of respect for Madiba, no partisan banter from me today.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery

Words are too small for him #Madiba


Rebecca Quilliam ‏@bexquilliam

A great man gone. Couldn't be a better inspiration for everyone to aspire to. #Mandela


RadioLIVE Newsroom ‏@LIVENewsDesk

Flags at half-mast at parliament, marking Nelson Mandela's


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ

It was such an incredible night. The right result too, all things


David Clark ‏@DavidClarkNZ

RIP Nelson Mandela. A fine human being


David Cunliffe ‏@DavidCunliffeMP

The world is a poorer place for the passing of Nelson Mandela. He has been one of my life-long heroes and he will never be forgotten. RIP.


Helen Kelly ‏@helenkellyCTU

Re-reading Mandela's 1990 speech 2 @ILONEWS He honored the ILO by making it one of his 1st visits aftr release.


Martyn Bradbury ‏@CitizenBomber

We have lost one of the great Civil Rights leaders of the 20th Century - all good people weep and mourn Nelson Mandela's passing today


Craig Ranapia ‏@CMRanapia

Yes, let's pay tribute to #Mandela. But do it without erasing everyone else from the long struggle against apartheid m'kay? #justsaying


Beth Houston ‏@WellyBeth

RIP Madiba.Saw him at rally once, almost failed exam to get there.He inspired me 2 act 4 social justice even if my actions are tiny compared


Jordan McCluskey ‏@JordanMcCluskey

Today is not a day for ugliness or callous speech.


Sacha Dylan ‏@kaupapa

going to be one kickass funeral #madiba


Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams

Erm, can we just have a few minutes of not turning this into politics? just a FEW? FFS, i am disappointed in you, world.


DJ Saul T. Nutts ‏@Regan_Gibbons

It's a shame that after fighting so hard to destroy racial apartheid, Mandela witnessed it replaced by economic apartheid


Dovil ‏@Dovil

Regardless of John Key's amnesia around the Springbok tour he should attend the funeral. Not for him, but to represent us as head of state.


NZ On Screen ‏@nzonscreen

A song for Nelson Mandela, from Herbs. Rest In Peace, Madiba. 


Helen Clark ‏@HelenClarkUNDP

Nelson #Mandela was the visionary leader of our times; an inspiration 4 his commitment 2 #humanrights. RIP #Madiba …


Nikki Kaye ‏@nikkikaye

Rest in peace Nelson Mandela, a man of many great actions and and many great words. "Let freedom reign. The sun... 


mjfield ‏@mjfield

Wonder what Jim Bolger is saying today - he called him a terrorist


Urzila Carlson ‏@UrzilaCarlson

RIP Tata Madiba, it's the end of an era, you've done so much.


Finlay Macdonald ‏@MacFinlay

If Key is going to Mandela's funeral he should at least be accompanied by the surviving leaders of the early "No Maori No Tour" movement.


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress

For the alternative view on Mandela’s passing, see @Redbaiternz. Frothing away.


Tracey Martin ‏@TraceyMartinMP

Nelson Mandela passes away - the humble man who managed to bring a nation together. A very sad loss to the world and South Africa.


Lew ‏@LewSOS

Fair warning: vile right-wing revisionism about Madiba forthcoming.


New Zealand Listener ‏@nzlistener

A piece by @BillyRalston recalling his inspirational encounter with Nelson Mandela: …


rebeccawright ‏@rebeccawright

Today we lost a hero of our time. Hamba gahle, Madiba.


Rachel Smalley ‏@Rachel_Smalley

Nelson Mandela. 95 extraordinary years. Go well, Madiba. RIP.


Lew ‏@LewSOS

Already got a Mandela = Osama comparison in my replies. You've outdone yourselves today, internets.

Jeffrey Simpson ‏@DoctorJeph

@LewSOS I am wondering who will be the first "famous" person to say something horrible. Ann Coulter?


Grant Robertson ‏@grantrobertson1

The greatest contribution to human rights, democracy and humanitarianism of the last century. A leader without peer. Rest now. #Mandela


jo ‏@jofromgreylynn

The man who can't remember how he felt about the Springbok tour protests is going to Mandela's funeral. He should be paying for Hone to go. 

Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress

@jofromgreylynn @LI_politico Or maybe @KevinHague, who was very much involved in protest in 1981. 

>Jeff Howell ‏@jeffieh

@jofromgreylynn @publicaddress or donna awatere...she was on the frontline.

Keeping Stock ‏@Inventory2

@jofromgreylynn @publicaddress Gee; classy stuff.

Pete George ‏@PeteDGeorge

@jofromgreylynn @publicaddress Playing politics on this is crap, shameful.

Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress

@PeteDGeorge Of course. Don’t mention the Tour. @jofromgreylynn


Paula Penfold ‏@paulapenfold

I remember covering a speech by Mandela to CHOGM in 1995. Never before or since have I witnessed such quiet charisma. #RIPMandela


Ali Ikram ‏@AliIkram

Farewell Nelson Mandela, a man who showed us all the power of humility and the unstoppable force of truth. You changed the world.


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress

My main memory of Mandela is watching his release live on TV in 1990. As if a mythical figure stepped into reality: …


Jordan McCluskey ‏@JordanMcCluskey

The greatest title history can bestow upon someone is that of peacemaker. Madiba was that. Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela.


Gareth Hughes ‏@GarethMP

Sad to hear about Nelson Mandela's passing. He has lived a good life and lead real change in South Africa


Encyclopedia of NZ ‏@Te_Ara

Rest in peace Nelson Mandela: …


Felix Marwick ‏@felixmarwick

Nobody's going to give a damn about the #TPP stories I'm writing in Washington. Mandela's passing's sure to be the dominant story for ages

Pete George ‏@PeteDGeorge

@felixmarwick I'm more interested in #TPP news but yeah, it will be like a needle in a stack of Heil Mandela.


United Future ‏@UnitedNZ

Very sad news about Mr Mandela, our thoughts are with his family and his country.


Redbaiter NZ ‏@Redbaiternz

Please media people, spare me the grief over Mandela The man was a terrorist & a communist whose legacy is a SA that is a Marxist hell hole.


Simon Bradwell ‏@simonbradwellnz

Nelson Mandela had more presence than anyone else I ever met or saw in the flesh


Holly Walker ‏@hollyrwalker

Nelson Mandela, freed once more. Rest in peace.


Peter Dunne ‏@PeterDunneMP

Thoughts are with South Africa and South Africans as they enter the post Mandela era. A great man now deservedly at rest.


Bryce Edwards
Fri, 06 Dec 2013
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Top NZ tweets about Nelson Mandela’s death