This is a selection of some of the more interesting tweets from the NZ twittersphere in reaction to the death of Nelson Mandela. As usual, it’s in (roughly) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. And inclusion does not indicate any endorsement.
Should the PM take John Minto and Trevor Richards in his delegation to Mandela's funeral? I say yes. Your thoughts?
John Minto must be part of the New Zealand delegation to Nelson Mandela funeral
Jonathan King @MrJonathanKing
@Garner_Live Seriously though - wasn't the Tour a key time in NZ history? And key to NZ's relationship with Mandela? Why can't he remember?
wallacechapman @wallacelchapman
As a man who played his part in dismantling apartheid, John Minto has GOT to be part of, perhaps spearhead, the official delegation..
@wallacelchapman The irony is that the guy who can't remember his position on apartheid is going instead, as a representative
Can the NZ media ask players on the Cavaliers tour to South Africa in 1986 how they feel about Mandela?
Simon Bradwell @simonbradwellnz
Nice gesture by players in #NZvsWI test to observe a moment of silence for Nelson Mandela
I remember which side I was on during the 1981 Springbok Tour. And I remember why!#madiba
Kim Baker Wilson @kimbakerwilson
The @Auckland_Museum will be lit up blue, green, red and yellow to reflect the South African flag #Mandela
Celia Wade-Brown @WellingtonMayor
Haere rā Mandela
David Joseph Dobbyn @davidjdobbyn
Madiba is with The Lord. Rejoice brothers & sisters XX
Aunty Haurangi @_surlymermaid
Do you think attending Mandel's tangi will jog John Key's memory about whether he supported the Springbok tour?
fuimaono-sapolu @Eliota_Sapolu
My parents protested the 1981 Springbok tour, against Apartheid, with me in the pram. Mandela always been a hero for our Samoan family. #RIP
Nadine Chalmers-Ross @BusinessNadine
"When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace". Mandela can certainly do that
Who would have thought in the midst of the apartheid evil that Nelson Mandela would die of old age, loved & cared for by friends & family?
Wonder whether Key now remembers what position he took during the 81 Springbok tour?
Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela - imagine if they are now together and comparing notes
NZ/Aotearoa 1981 was a poignant, hard & vital time. I consider myself lucky to have been 18 when our politics was all about #Mandela
#StuffNZ continuing their pursuit of being a real life version of @TheOnion
Nelson Mandela's legacy puts a generation obsessed with selfies to shame. We need to listen and learn.
Winston Aldworth @WinstonAldworth
Wonder if John Key has remembered which side he was on in the 1981 Springbok Tour debate...
I hope the Govt delegation to Mandelas funeral includes Sir Ted Thomas, Trevor Richards and other anti apartheid heroes #respect
Do you think on days like this, media facing people are terrified to release anything in case it's deemed "insensitive"?
Mihingarangi Forbes @Mihi_Forbes
1981 our house a protest centre, placards in garage, vivid memories black men with burning tyres on necks, Mandela hung on our wall. Moe mai
Governor-General NZ @GovGeneralNZ
The Governor-General pays tribute to former South African President Nelson Mandela#NelsonMandela …
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Teary eyes. Mandela arrives in Springbok gear @ 17:40. Celebrations from 2:25:00. Middle bit too painful to watch. …
1. How many current NZ politicians supported the 1981 Springbok Tour? Gerry Brownlee was one. I interviewed him in 2009. He said ...
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
2. "I supported the tour. I have to say that towards the end of that tour I was of a view that perhaps it wasn't worth the effort ...
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
3. ‘‘But you can't give in to the mobsters who went from one end of the country to the other wreaking havoc ...
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
4. "There are a lot of people who try to justify what I consider to be totally irrational behaviour by saying this was a seminal moment ...
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
5. " ... in New Zealand history and they were part of it. It's absolute garbage." (Brownlee, 2009)
@RadioOne91FM Playing on the Revolution right now: Nelson Mandela tribute Livestream at
Tim Fookes Mornings @talkbacktim
Political editor @barrysoper met Nelson Mandela numerous times. He shared his stories with me earlier, listen here
Great work on the Mandela tweets guys... Some lovely tributes... and some people who seem confused but just stoked to be part of the action.
Mandela. Amandla Ngawethu
"The passing of Nelson Mandela has really put it all into perspective for me"... 5 minutes... "WHY IS THE INTERNET SO SLOW GOD DAMN MY LIFE"
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
When someone's having an emotional moment, don't jump in with a political tweet. Believe it or not, you don't have The Most Important Point.
Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga @MaungakiekieSAM
A sad day as Nelson Mandela one of the world's greatest statesmen passes away! RIP Nelson. …
Nelson Mandela was inspirational. On behalf of NZ I’d like to express my sincere condolences to his family and all South Africans.
Winston Peters @winstonpeters
The legacy left by Nelson Mandela will have a lasting effect on his country. Our sympathies are with his family & the people of South Africa
One of history's great political leaders has died. No better way to honour it than to be political.
Do not feel competant to write a Mandela post.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Nelson Mandela was a politician, of COURSE he was, and lived a life in politics. But to many people he was a lot more than that.
Waiting to see what trash is thrown out on such a news day...
Bugger all this "no politics today" nonsense. Mandela, as all revolutionaries, was fundamentally a political man, who lived a political life
>Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
@LewSOS Agree. His book reveals him as a hard-nosed & v sophisticated politician not just a Gandhi-like saint. That was what made him great
@MatthewHootonNZ Exactly. Airbrushed legends are nice, but humans can inspire humans. Truth is better, not just stranger, than fiction.
@MatthewHootonNZ @LewSOS And one who made a lot of mistakes, and whose legacy is far from simple. That's what human beings are like.
> Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
@LewSOS i wasn't saying today. i was saying a few minutes. the speed with which some people leapt on it was pretty awful.
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
Out of respect for Madiba, no partisan banter from me today.
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Words are too small for him #Madiba
Rebecca Quilliam @bexquilliam
A great man gone. Couldn't be a better inspiration for everyone to aspire to. #Mandela
RadioLIVE Newsroom @LIVENewsDesk
Flags at half-mast at parliament, marking Nelson Mandela's
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
It was such an incredible night. The right result too, all things
RIP Nelson Mandela. A fine human being
David Cunliffe @DavidCunliffeMP
The world is a poorer place for the passing of Nelson Mandela. He has been one of my life-long heroes and he will never be forgotten. RIP.
Re-reading Mandela's 1990 speech 2 @ILONEWS He honored the ILO by making it one of his 1st visits aftr release.
Martyn Bradbury @CitizenBomber
We have lost one of the great Civil Rights leaders of the 20th Century - all good people weep and mourn Nelson Mandela's passing today
Yes, let's pay tribute to #Mandela. But do it without erasing everyone else from the long struggle against apartheid m'kay? #justsaying
RIP Madiba.Saw him at rally once, almost failed exam to get there.He inspired me 2 act 4 social justice even if my actions are tiny compared
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
Today is not a day for ugliness or callous speech.
going to be one kickass funeral #madiba
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Erm, can we just have a few minutes of not turning this into politics? just a FEW? FFS, i am disappointed in you, world.
DJ Saul T. Nutts @Regan_Gibbons
It's a shame that after fighting so hard to destroy racial apartheid, Mandela witnessed it replaced by economic apartheid
Regardless of John Key's amnesia around the Springbok tour he should attend the funeral. Not for him, but to represent us as head of state.
A song for Nelson Mandela, from Herbs. Rest In Peace, Madiba.
Nelson #Mandela was the visionary leader of our times; an inspiration 4 his commitment 2 #humanrights. RIP #Madiba. …
Rest in peace Nelson Mandela, a man of many great actions and and many great words. "Let freedom reign. The sun...
Wonder what Jim Bolger is saying today - he called him a terrorist
Urzila Carlson @UrzilaCarlson
RIP Tata Madiba, it's the end of an era, you've done so much.
If Key is going to Mandela's funeral he should at least be accompanied by the surviving leaders of the early "No Maori No Tour" movement.
For the alternative view on Mandela’s passing, see @Redbaiternz. Frothing away.
Tracey Martin @TraceyMartinMP
Nelson Mandela passes away - the humble man who managed to bring a nation together. A very sad loss to the world and South Africa.
Fair warning: vile right-wing revisionism about Madiba forthcoming.
New Zealand Listener @nzlistener
A piece by @BillyRalston recalling his inspirational encounter with Nelson Mandela: …
Today we lost a hero of our time. Hamba gahle, Madiba.
Rachel Smalley @Rachel_Smalley
Nelson Mandela. 95 extraordinary years. Go well, Madiba. RIP.
Already got a Mandela = Osama comparison in my replies. You've outdone yourselves today, internets.
> Jeffrey Simpson @DoctorJeph
@LewSOS I am wondering who will be the first "famous" person to say something horrible. Ann Coulter?
Grant Robertson @grantrobertson1
The greatest contribution to human rights, democracy and humanitarianism of the last century. A leader without peer. Rest now. #Mandela
The man who can't remember how he felt about the Springbok tour protests is going to Mandela's funeral. He should be paying for Hone to go.
> Russell Brown @publicaddress
@jofromgreylynn @LI_politico Or maybe @KevinHague, who was very much involved in protest in 1981.
@jofromgreylynn @publicaddress or donna awatere...she was on the frontline.
@jofromgreylynn @publicaddress Gee; classy stuff.
@jofromgreylynn @publicaddress Playing politics on this is crap, shameful.
> Russell Brown @publicaddress
@PeteDGeorge Of course. Don’t mention the Tour. @jofromgreylynn
I remember covering a speech by Mandela to CHOGM in 1995. Never before or since have I witnessed such quiet charisma. #RIPMandela
Farewell Nelson Mandela, a man who showed us all the power of humility and the unstoppable force of truth. You changed the world.
My main memory of Mandela is watching his release live on TV in 1990. As if a mythical figure stepped into reality: …
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
The greatest title history can bestow upon someone is that of peacemaker. Madiba was that. Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela.
Sad to hear about Nelson Mandela's passing. He has lived a good life and lead real change in South Africa
Rest in peace Nelson Mandela: …
Nobody's going to give a damn about the #TPP stories I'm writing in Washington. Mandela's passing's sure to be the dominant story for ages
@felixmarwick I'm more interested in #TPP news but yeah, it will be like a needle in a stack of Heil Mandela.
Very sad news about Mr Mandela, our thoughts are with his family and his country.
Please media people, spare me the grief over Mandela The man was a terrorist & a communist whose legacy is a SA that is a Marxist hell hole.
Simon Bradwell @simonbradwellnz
Nelson Mandela had more presence than anyone else I ever met or saw in the flesh
Nelson Mandela, freed once more. Rest in peace.
Thoughts are with South Africa and South Africans as they enter the post Mandela era. A great man now deservedly at rest.