45 mins to read

Top tweets about Judith Collins

Bryce Edwards
Tue, 06 May 2014

This is a selection of tweets relating to Judith Collins' attack on TVNZ political reporter, as well as her on going Oravida scandal. Tweets, as usual, are in reverse-chronological order. [Read more below]


Alastair Thompson ‏@althecat 

Post-ironic NZ Politics has reached a new zenith as Judith Collins is protected by the PM from the nasty Twitter cyber-bullies. #nzpol

This is a selection of tweets relating to Judith Collins' attack on TVNZ political reporter, as well as her on going Oravida scandal. Tweets, as usual, are in reverse-chronological order. [Read more below]


Alastair Thompson ‏@althecat 

Post-ironic NZ Politics has reached a new zenith as Judith Collins is protected by the PM from the nasty Twitter cyber-bullies. #nzpol


Paul Harper ‏@paulharper_nzh 

It’s a shame @JudithCollinsMP doesn't acknowledge she gives as good as she gets on Twitter and is often quite nasty


Liam Dann ‏@liamdann 

Judith Collins to stay off Twitter: 'It's not a good space to be' Amazing that John Key didn't demand this weeks ago


CherylBernstein ‏@CherylBernstein 

Taking a political break from Twitter reduces a key source of reportable statements. Some masterful hosing down going on here.


Gareth Hughes ‏@GarethMP 

After picking a fight with the Press Gallery went so well, National decided why not pick on Twitter too? …


Tim Murphy ‏@tmurphyNZH 

First David Fisher, now Judith Collins...'Twitter not a good space to be'  via @nzherald


The Ruminator ‏@RuminatorNZ 

Now that @johnkeypm has abused us Twitter folk, do we mobilise? Shall I get me pitchfork?


James Cardno ‏@jamescardno 

Spare a thought for the poor press sec running Key's Twitter. Years spent posting bland photo ops and the boss just said it was worthless.


Lyndon Hood ‏@lyndonhood 

Did @JudithCollinsMP actually say anything problematic on Twitter that she didn't say harder and more repeatedly in real life?


Felix Marwick ‏@felixmarwick 

FWIW I'll regret @JudithCollinsMP absence from twitter. It gave insight into her and wasn't the usual boring uninformative PR fluff

Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

@felixmarwick @JudithCollinsMP Agreed. Better than a bland press release from one of English's or Key's staff.


Anna Goble ‏@gob_an 

Going to miss @JudithCollinsMP on twitter!!


hamish mcneilly ‏@southernscoop 

hey Jude. Don't stop tweeting. You took 140 characters, and made it better.


jo ‏@jofromgreylynn 

Gasping with incredulity that the PM is suggesting that Collins has been the victim of cyber bullying.


Bryce Edwards ‏@bryce_edwards 

'If you want an insight into her soul, follow her on Twitter' - Tracy Watkins & Vernon Small writing about Judith Collins last year.


The Ruminator ‏@RuminatorNZ 

So if Twitter is just trolls, why is @johnkeypm on it?


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

So in addition to staff being "control freaks" and journos being "silly", twitter is full of "bottom feeders" and "trolls". #blameanyone


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith 

I'm struggling to work out how Twitter made Collins attack Katie Bradford & hide the truth about her China visit #justme?


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

I suppose we have all had our favourite @JudithCollinsMP twitter exchanges. This could be mine: …


CherylBernstein ‏@CherylBernstein 

Bottom feeders and knuckleheads.


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

She who lives by the tword shall die by the tword.


Richard Boock ‏@richardboock 

the woman who told metiria turei her jacket was really ugly & that she was a "sensitive wee sausage" quits twitter citing trolls #hypocrite


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

Can we look to @paulabennettmp to pick up the tweeting mantle? Can she hope to duplicate@JudithCollinsMP's rare mix of humour and scorn?


Holly Walker ‏@hollyrwalker 

This is too bad, twitter is a great tool for politicians to engage directly with people. 


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

Judith Collins. She changed the face of political tweeting in New Zealand but, alas, she flew close to the sun.


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick 

"Trolls & bottom feeders". The new desktop RPG, from the company that brought you 'Knuckleheads'.


Dovil ‏@Dovil 

Key says twitter is full of trolls and bottom feeders but this should be lessened now that Judith is taking a break.


Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

to @tauhenare @stevenljoyce @paulabennettmp @hekiaparata and other Nat MPs with no problem handling twitter account, hang on in there.


Thomas Beagle ‏@thomasbeagle 

@mizjwilliams Is there anything else Judith Collins needs to give up while on leave? Alcohol? Legal highs? Milk? Large cash donations?


Thomas Beagle ‏@thomasbeagle 

Any truth in the rumour that Judith Collins is taking leave because Oravida needs someone to fill in for their receptionist for a few days?


Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz 

I fear Judith Collins' revelation about me would be that no one knows who I am, and that's why Nat MPs talk about her while I'm in the lift?


Brent Edwards ‏@rnzgallerybrent 

PM to give pre-Budget speech at lunchtime. But will it divert attention away from Judith Collins?


Heath duPlessisAllan ‏@hdpaNEWS 

A selfie at Lake Malawi in the style of Judith Coll... Flag that.


Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

Key blaming twitter for Collins' demise is like blaming telephones for Williamsons'


Angry Backbencher. ‏@AngryBbencher 

Take a break. That's political speak for "for God's sake, pull your head in before you fuck things up entirely"


Paora Ropata ‏@kiaora4that 

The only thing Judith Collins is having trouble with is her ability to answer questions truthfully.


david anderson ‏@davidandersonnz 

JK: "Hey Judith come over her and look in this closet." Click. "Whoops I've lost the key should find it in a couple of weeks." STFU


KiwiBear ‏@RupertTheBeer 

Remember how the Tories reacted when Goff gave Chris Carter a stress break? Yeah? It's open season on Judith Collins IMHO.


Joshua Drummond ‏@cakeburger 

I agree with Key. Lying to him, Parliament, and New Zealand is bound to place someone under a lot of stress. Collins needs nice break.


Dylan Horrocks ‏@dylanhorrocks 

So basically Key's response is for Collins to go into hiding for a week while the shit hits the fan? Unbelievable.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

The destruction of Judith Collins is actually quite distressing. You've been comprehensively defeated, JC, take stock and regroup.


Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso 

Key presser: Judith Collins to take some time off to spend more time making insinuations about other people's families.


Rachel Stewart ‏@RFStew 

Whatever happens I hope "unhinged" Collins does not have access to a gun.


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

So if the PM really wanted to reduce the stress on Judith Collins, wouldn't he give her a pass out from #nzqt?


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

The simple matter is Collins is a powerful player in the party. She goes if/when she wants to. Key is showing poor leadership though.


Angry Backbencher. ‏@AngryBbencher 

Pols101: keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Anyone care to think what Collins might do if she was demoted?


Andrea Vance ‏@avancenz 

I understand email went out to Ministers SPS' in the last 90 mins asking for cover for Collins House duty for next two weeks #ttrtpt


Hamish Price ‏@hamishpricenz 

Judith isn't the first MP to suffer from stress. @trevormallard has had several meltdowns in his career, and he's still an MP.


J. ‏@JordanMcCluskey

By all means attack the political principle or the policy at hand, but please don't personally attack Judith.


Dave ‏@caffeine_addict 

Judith Collins is to take a break later this week, from Thursday. Heat, kitchen and all that....


Lachlan Forsyth ‏@LachlanForsyth 

More Collins revelations. A press release announcing a crackdown on beneficiaries, or unemployment decreasing, can't be far away.


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 



Keith Ng ‏@keith_ng 

Who gets to claim the JC scalp? Is it Camp Joyce? Where did Oravida stuff originally come from? #CSIParliament


Reed Fleming ‏@reedfleming Protected Tweets 

How long before “getting Oravida-ed” is part of New Zealand’s political nomenclature?



Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso 

So far it only looks as if Judith Collins may have resigned from Twitter.


Ratty ‏@Dirtyrat200 

Is there a video of Judith Collins smoking crack yet ?


Electile Dysfunction ‏@kingjohnkeyIII 

Oh @SteveBraunias - Judith is going to hunt you down and "recall" a whole bunch of things at you.


iPredict NZ ‏@ipredictnz 

@JaggyL The probability of Judith Collins losing her Ministerial warrants before 14 August 2014 is now up to 66% …


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

The slow and calculated destruction of Judith Collins is being executed with cruel precision. Though she is a great help herself #TeamJoyce


beck eleven ‏@beckeleven 

This @SteveBraunias funny on Judith Collins from Metro magazine gets closer to the bullseye every day.


Bayden Harris ‏@BaydenHarris 

This whole Judith Collins thing has revealed Nationals internal faction war. More nasty than I first thought...


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 

"This certified legal high has been tested on Judith Collins."


Joshua Drummond ‏@cakeburger 

A quick perusal of FailOil reveals he's in full-blown denial about Collins, Williamson, which I think is a Good Sign


Hamish Price ‏@hamishpricenz 

Astonishing yesterday that Judith tried to conflate asking about leave entitlement w/ interfering in police decision to prosecute.


Tova O'Brien ‏@TovaOBrien 

Key and Collins on the same flight but didn't walk off together - Collins trailing a few dozen metres behind


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith 

Bet key's 'long conversation' w Collins went like this: 'Judith, you're going to have to step down' 'Try to make me, see what happens' '...'


Richard Boock ‏@richardboock 

judith collins must have a very short dictionary. it doesn't even get up to "ad hominem"...


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick 

Colin Craig should offer Collins the deputy leadership to jump ship now. Safe seat, sitting mp, she might bring others with her. #bebrave


Max Harris ‏@mdnharris 

Judith Collins says she might just 'recall' things about media if they raise issues about 'behaviours'. Those threats hv no place in NZ pols


Brenda Pilott ‏@PSAsecretary 

Collins is misleading when she says Cab Office cleared her Oravida dealings. They didn't. They said cumulatively conflict of interest.


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc 

First they came for Judith Collins, and I did not speak up because I really, really wanted them to come for her.


Lyndon Hood ‏@lyndonhood 

Judith Collins begins to crumple


Jarrod Gilbert ‏@JarrodGilbertNZ 

Judith Collins is a curious mix between Sarah Palin, Rob Muldoon, the Sun newspaper and a Velociraptor.


Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso 

I'm back, baby. Babies. Whatever. And already I wonder how the people who used to hail Judith Collins as a social media genius are feeling.


Helen Kelly ‏@helenkellyCTU 

Judith Collins. 1st she came 4 the cars of teenagers, then she came for the union H&S reps, & now she comes for ...


Kelvin Davis ‏@NgatiBird 

I've got 3 things to say:1.nasty, 2.nasty, 3.nasty. Judith Collins apologises for attack on TV reporter  via @nzherald


Maxine Gay ‏@GayMaxine 

Let's get it right. Avoiding to Key we're supposed to cut Collins slack as she is human. She has no such obligation to any one else.


Thomas Beagle ‏@thomasbeagle 

Seems clear we now need to refer to Judith Collins as the *current* leader of the National Party rather than as the possible next one.


The Egonomist ‏@TheEgonomist 

Has there been a headline which hasn't shortened "verbal attack" to "attack"? Makes Collins sound like she went Björk on Bradford


Kelvin Davis ‏@NgatiBird 

I've got 3 things to say:1.nasty, 2.nasty, 3.nasty. Judith Collins apologises for attack on TV reporter  via @nzherald


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

Not just action itself but the tone and attitude re "the beans I could spill" shpeal by Collins speaks volumes about her character. IMO.


Michele A'Court ‏@MicheleACourt 

Judith Collins & the milk scandal looks more & more like full cream version of Margaret Thatcher.


Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams 

post Collins, disclosure: I may have accepted a peppermint off @stevenljoyce one time. is this what she's getting at?


The Egonomist ‏@TheEgonomist 

It's not just that Collins threatened the press, but that she threatened to use her FORMIDABLE MEMORY on them!


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

Judith Collins has got into several fights this year and she has only won one: her fight with John Key. He is too scared to sack her.


Keith Ng ‏@keith_ng 

But srsly, what happened at conference? Why is Hooton slamming the Collins crew? Why is Whaleoil making slightly above average threats?


Grant Robertson ‏@grantrobertson1 

Apology or not that was a vindictive, disgraceful display from Judith Collins. Time for John Key to stand her down.


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress 

At this point it seems reasonable to ask whether Minister Collins has a plot left to lose. #rpt


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress 

Judith Collins’ pleading for Maurice Williamson undermines the police. Her attack on a journalist breached privacy and common sense.


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ 

Is it possible Judith Collins is trying to get the sack so she can play the martyr card when seeking @NZNationalParty leadership? #nzpol


Reed Fleming ‏@reedfleming Protected Tweets 

Poetic. John Key fearful of saying he would discipline Collins, while Joyce stands behind him in camera shot. Brilliant.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

I'm quite serious, though: what does Collins have over Key that is preventing him from taking decisive action against her?


Rory McCourt ‏@rorymccourt 

Is Key too weak to demote Collins, is that it? Is she his Shipley?


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Judith Collins #liability


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

The best argument against Judith Collins is Judith Collins.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

Judith Collins is arguing a great case against her own abilities.


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith 

And now Collins and Key's mate Slater is threatening dirt on gallery journos. Nats really don't get press freedom. #Bulliesandcowards


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Judith Collins blames media for what happened to Maurice Williamson. Shows the low standards in John Key's Cabinet.


Bill Ralston ‏@BillyRalston 

Collins. No defence. Stand down.


Bill Ralston ‏@BillyRalston 

Judith Collins. FFS! Your judgement is appalling.


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Judith Collins attacking media. Typical National #teapottapes #vance

Paul Harper ‏@paulharper_nzh 

It’s a shame @JudithCollinsMP doesn't acknowledge she gives as good as she gets on Twitter and is often quite nasty …


Liam Dann ‏@liamdann 

Judith Collins to stay off Twitter: 'It's not a good space to be' Amazing that John Key didn't demand this weeks ago


CherylBernstein ‏@CherylBernstein 

Taking a political break from Twitter reduces a key source of reportable statements. Some masterful hosing down going on here.


Gareth Hughes ‏@GarethMP 

After picking a fight with the Press Gallery went so well, National decided why not pick on Twitter too? …


Tim Murphy ‏@tmurphyNZH 

First David Fisher, now Judith Collins...'Twitter not a good space to be'  via @nzherald


The Ruminator ‏@RuminatorNZ 

Now that @johnkeypm has abused us Twitter folk, do we mobilise? Shall I get me pitchfork?


James Cardno ‏@jamescardno 

Spare a thought for the poor press sec running Key's Twitter. Years spent posting bland photo ops and the boss just said it was worthless.


Lyndon Hood ‏@lyndonhood 

Did @JudithCollinsMP actually say anything problematic on Twitter that she didn't say harder and more repeatedly in real life?


Felix Marwick ‏@felixmarwick 

FWIW I'll regret @JudithCollinsMP absence from twitter. It gave insight into her and wasn't the usual boring uninformative PR fluff

Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

@felixmarwick @JudithCollinsMP Agreed. Better than a bland press release from one of English's or Key's staff.


Anna Goble ‏@gob_an 

Going to miss @JudithCollinsMP on twitter!!


hamish mcneilly ‏@southernscoop 

hey Jude. Don't stop tweeting. You took 140 characters, and made it better.


jo ‏@jofromgreylynn 

Gasping with incredulity that the PM is suggesting that Collins has been the victim of cyber bullying.


Bryce Edwards ‏@bryce_edwards 

'If you want an insight into her soul, follow her on Twitter' - Tracy Watkins & Vernon Small writing about Judith Collins last year.


The Ruminator ‏@RuminatorNZ 

So if Twitter is just trolls, why is @johnkeypm on it?


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

So in addition to staff being "control freaks" and journos being "silly", twitter is full of "bottom feeders" and "trolls". #blameanyone


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith 

I'm struggling to work out how Twitter made Collins attack Katie Bradford & hide the truth about her China visit #justme?


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

I suppose we have all had our favourite @JudithCollinsMP twitter exchanges. This could be mine: …


CherylBernstein ‏@CherylBernstein 

Bottom feeders and knuckleheads.


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

She who lives by the tword shall die by the tword.


Richard Boock ‏@richardboock 

the woman who told metiria turei her jacket was really ugly & that she was a "sensitive wee sausage" quits twitter citing trolls #hypocrite


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

Can we look to @paulabennettmp to pick up the tweeting mantle? Can she hope to duplicate@JudithCollinsMP's rare mix of humour and scorn?


Holly Walker ‏@hollyrwalker 

This is too bad, twitter is a great tool for politicians to engage directly with people. 


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit 

Judith Collins. She changed the face of political tweeting in New Zealand but, alas, she flew close to the sun.


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick 

"Trolls & bottom feeders". The new desktop RPG, from the company that brought you 'Knuckleheads'.


Dovil ‏@Dovil 

Key says twitter is full of trolls and bottom feeders but this should be lessened now that Judith is taking a break.


Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

to @tauhenare @stevenljoyce @paulabennettmp @hekiaparata and other Nat MPs with no problem handling twitter account, hang on in there.


Thomas Beagle ‏@thomasbeagle 

@mizjwilliams Is there anything else Judith Collins needs to give up while on leave? Alcohol? Legal highs? Milk? Large cash donations?


Thomas Beagle ‏@thomasbeagle 

Any truth in the rumour that Judith Collins is taking leave because Oravida needs someone to fill in for their receptionist for a few days?


Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz 

I fear Judith Collins' revelation about me would be that no one knows who I am, and that's why Nat MPs talk about her while I'm in the lift?


Brent Edwards ‏@rnzgallerybrent 

PM to give pre-Budget speech at lunchtime. But will it divert attention away from Judith Collins?


Heath duPlessisAllan ‏@hdpaNEWS 

A selfie at Lake Malawi in the style of Judith Coll... Flag that.


Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima 

Key blaming twitter for Collins' demise is like blaming telephones for Williamsons'


Angry Backbencher. ‏@AngryBbencher 

Take a break. That's political speak for "for God's sake, pull your head in before you fuck things up entirely"


Paora Ropata ‏@kiaora4that 

The only thing Judith Collins is having trouble with is her ability to answer questions truthfully.


david anderson ‏@davidandersonnz 

JK: "Hey Judith come over her and look in this closet." Click. "Whoops I've lost the key should find it in a couple of weeks." STFU


KiwiBear ‏@RupertTheBeer 

Remember how the Tories reacted when Goff gave Chris Carter a stress break? Yeah? It's open season on Judith Collins IMHO.


Joshua Drummond ‏@cakeburger 

I agree with Key. Lying to him, Parliament, and New Zealand is bound to place someone under a lot of stress. Collins needs nice break.


Dylan Horrocks ‏@dylanhorrocks 

So basically Key's response is for Collins to go into hiding for a week while the shit hits the fan? Unbelievable.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

The destruction of Judith Collins is actually quite distressing. You've been comprehensively defeated, JC, take stock and regroup.


Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso 

Key presser: Judith Collins to take some time off to spend more time making insinuations about other people's families.


Rachel Stewart ‏@RFStew 

Whatever happens I hope "unhinged" Collins does not have access to a gun.


Lew ‏@LewSOS 

So if the PM really wanted to reduce the stress on Judith Collins, wouldn't he give her a pass out from #nzqt?


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

The simple matter is Collins is a powerful player in the party. She goes if/when she wants to. Key is showing poor leadership though.


Angry Backbencher. ‏@AngryBbencher 

Pols101: keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Anyone care to think what Collins might do if she was demoted?


Andrea Vance ‏@avancenz 

I understand email went out to Ministers SPS' in the last 90 mins asking for cover for Collins House duty for next two weeks #ttrtpt


Hamish Price ‏@hamishpricenz 

Judith isn't the first MP to suffer from stress. @trevormallard has had several meltdowns in his career, and he's still an MP.


J. ‏@JordanMcCluskey

By all means attack the political principle or the policy at hand, but please don't personally attack Judith.


Dave ‏@caffeine_addict 

Judith Collins is to take a break later this week, from Thursday. Heat, kitchen and all that....


Lachlan Forsyth ‏@LachlanForsyth 

More Collins revelations. A press release announcing a crackdown on beneficiaries, or unemployment decreasing, can't be far away.


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 



Keith Ng ‏@keith_ng 

Who gets to claim the JC scalp? Is it Camp Joyce? Where did Oravida stuff originally come from? #CSIParliament


Reed Fleming ‏@reedfleming Protected Tweets 

How long before “getting Oravida-ed” is part of New Zealand’s political nomenclature?



Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso 

So far it only looks as if Judith Collins may have resigned from Twitter.


Ratty ‏@Dirtyrat200 

Is there a video of Judith Collins smoking crack yet ?


Electile Dysfunction ‏@kingjohnkeyIII 

Oh @SteveBraunias - Judith is going to hunt you down and "recall" a whole bunch of things at you.


iPredict NZ ‏@ipredictnz 

@JaggyL The probability of Judith Collins losing her Ministerial warrants before 14 August 2014 is now up to 66% …


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

The slow and calculated destruction of Judith Collins is being executed with cruel precision. Though she is a great help herself #TeamJoyce


beck eleven ‏@beckeleven 

This @SteveBraunias funny on Judith Collins from Metro magazine gets closer to the bullseye every day.


Bayden Harris ‏@BaydenHarris 

This whole Judith Collins thing has revealed Nationals internal faction war. More nasty than I first thought...


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack 

"This certified legal high has been tested on Judith Collins."


Joshua Drummond ‏@cakeburger 

A quick perusal of FailOil reveals he's in full-blown denial about Collins, Williamson, which I think is a Good Sign


Hamish Price ‏@hamishpricenz 

Astonishing yesterday that Judith tried to conflate asking about leave entitlement w/ interfering in police decision to prosecute.


Tova O'Brien ‏@TovaOBrien 

Key and Collins on the same flight but didn't walk off together - Collins trailing a few dozen metres behind


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith 

Bet key's 'long conversation' w Collins went like this: 'Judith, you're going to have to step down' 'Try to make me, see what happens' '...'


Richard Boock ‏@richardboock 

judith collins must have a very short dictionary. it doesn't even get up to "ad hominem"...


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick 

Colin Craig should offer Collins the deputy leadership to jump ship now. Safe seat, sitting mp, she might bring others with her. #bebrave


Max Harris ‏@mdnharris 

Judith Collins says she might just 'recall' things about media if they raise issues about 'behaviours'. Those threats hv no place in NZ pols


Brenda Pilott ‏@PSAsecretary 

Collins is misleading when she says Cab Office cleared her Oravida dealings. They didn't. They said cumulatively conflict of interest.


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc 

First they came for Judith Collins, and I did not speak up because I really, really wanted them to come for her.


Lyndon Hood ‏@lyndonhood 

Judith Collins begins to crumple


Jarrod Gilbert ‏@JarrodGilbertNZ 

Judith Collins is a curious mix between Sarah Palin, Rob Muldoon, the Sun newspaper and a Velociraptor.


Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso 

I'm back, baby. Babies. Whatever. And already I wonder how the people who used to hail Judith Collins as a social media genius are feeling.


Helen Kelly ‏@helenkellyCTU 

Judith Collins. 1st she came 4 the cars of teenagers, then she came for the union H&S reps, & now she comes for ...


Kelvin Davis ‏@NgatiBird 

I've got 3 things to say:1.nasty, 2.nasty, 3.nasty. Judith Collins apologises for attack on TV reporter  via @nzherald


Maxine Gay ‏@GayMaxine 

Let's get it right. Avoiding to Key we're supposed to cut Collins slack as she is human. She has no such obligation to any one else.


Thomas Beagle ‏@thomasbeagle 

Seems clear we now need to refer to Judith Collins as the *current* leader of the National Party rather than as the possible next one.


The Egonomist ‏@TheEgonomist 

Has there been a headline which hasn't shortened "verbal attack" to "attack"? Makes Collins sound like she went Björk on Bradford


Kelvin Davis ‏@NgatiBird 

I've got 3 things to say:1.nasty, 2.nasty, 3.nasty. Judith Collins apologises for attack on TV reporter  via @nzherald


La-mia ‏@LI_politico 

Not just action itself but the tone and attitude re "the beans I could spill" shpeal by Collins speaks volumes about her character. IMO.


Michele A'Court ‏@MicheleACourt 

Judith Collins & the milk scandal looks more & more like full cream version of Margaret Thatcher.


Jessica Williams ‏@mizjwilliams 

post Collins, disclosure: I may have accepted a peppermint off @stevenljoyce one time. is this what she's getting at?


The Egonomist ‏@TheEgonomist 

It's not just that Collins threatened the press, but that she threatened to use her FORMIDABLE MEMORY on them!


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

Judith Collins has got into several fights this year and she has only won one: her fight with John Key. He is too scared to sack her.


Keith Ng ‏@keith_ng 

But srsly, what happened at conference? Why is Hooton slamming the Collins crew? Why is Whaleoil making slightly above average threats?


Grant Robertson ‏@grantrobertson1 

Apology or not that was a vindictive, disgraceful display from Judith Collins. Time for John Key to stand her down.


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress 

At this point it seems reasonable to ask whether Minister Collins has a plot left to lose. #rpt


Russell Brown ‏@publicaddress 

Judith Collins’ pleading for Maurice Williamson undermines the police. Her attack on a journalist breached privacy and common sense.


Matthew Hooton ‏@MatthewHootonNZ 

Is it possible Judith Collins is trying to get the sack so she can play the martyr card when seeking @NZNationalParty leadership? #nzpol


Reed Fleming ‏@reedfleming Protected Tweets 

Poetic. John Key fearful of saying he would discipline Collins, while Joyce stands behind him in camera shot. Brilliant.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

I'm quite serious, though: what does Collins have over Key that is preventing him from taking decisive action against her?


Rory McCourt ‏@rorymccourt 

Is Key too weak to demote Collins, is that it? Is she his Shipley?


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Judith Collins #liability


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

The best argument against Judith Collins is Judith Collins.


Morgan Godfery ‏@MorganGodfery 

Judith Collins is arguing a great case against her own abilities.


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith 

And now Collins and Key's mate Slater is threatening dirt on gallery journos. Nats really don't get press freedom. #Bulliesandcowards


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Judith Collins blames media for what happened to Maurice Williamson. Shows the low standards in John Key's Cabinet.


Bill Ralston ‏@BillyRalston 

Collins. No defence. Stand down.


Bill Ralston ‏@BillyRalston 

Judith Collins. FFS! Your judgement is appalling.


Patrick Gower ‏@patrickgowernz 

Judith Collins attacking media. Typical National #teapottapes #vance


Bryce Edwards
Tue, 06 May 2014
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Top tweets about Judith Collins