This is a selection of some of the more interesting and insightful tweets relating to Nanaia Mahuta's bid for the Labour leadership in 2014. The most recent tweets are first. [Read more below]
Is Mahuta going to offer different policies? Or will in be more systemic/institutional sexism and racism? More 3rd way neoliberalism?
Deborah Mahuta-Coyle @DebsMahutaCoyle
20mins to go... Anyone else Labour?
Labour leader candidate majorities seat/party Little: -9,778 / -13,022 Mahuta: +7,695 / +6,928 Parker: list only Robertson: +8,267 / -5,383
Mahuta now in the contest. I had always just assumed the nomination form said "white boys only".
Chris Bramwell @rnzgallerychris
Nanaia Mahuta nominated by the same MPs that nominated David Cunliffe
Nanaia Mahuta says criticism from those including Pita Sharples that she is "lazy" is unfounded. "If it were true I wouldn't be here." #rtpt
BestestLeftist @aaronincognito
Good on Nanaia Mahuta. The Labour circus will have at least one non- white male
Michele A'Court @MicheleACourt
But... Not a middle aged white man! WTF?! Excellent.
The cunning plan of Labour's also-rans: stick your name in ballot so you're guaranteed front-bench spot when you lose.
@LewSOS conservative South Auckland Labour Party supporters will never something something.
The gift that keeps on giving #labourleadership
Nanaia Mahuta delivered 46.5% of the Party Vote to @nzlabour in Hauraki-Waikato.
Nanaia Mahuta has confirmed to me she is standing for the Labour Party leadership. Call was made after discussion at today's Maori caucus.
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
Mahuta is nominated by Louisa Wall and Su'a William Sio - all three are Camp Cunliffe
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na NANAIAAAAA #stoked
Is Labour going on the policy that all media coverage is good media coverage?
Thank goodness. I constantly blogged that it was not good enough women of Labour wanted quota when never prepared 2 put hand up to contest.
Anyone who wants to run should run. Bring it on.
Heath duPlessisAllan @hdpaNEWS
The Labour Party wants 'a fair go for everyone'. That's why everyone in caucus is standing for leader.
Will Cunliffe still support Andrew Little or ditch him for a loyalist?
Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce
If you're from the Waikato you know that Nanaia and her family have huge mana in Māoridom. De facto leader of Labour's Māori caucus.
hope Nanaia gets support from everyone in labour who is sick of seeing white guys at the top everywhere forever
Nanaia Mahuta to contest Labour leadership, the Cunliffe faction's alive and well!
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz ·
Mahuta is in - adds to the diversity of the contest but who will her supporters be?
Are the people saying "Nanaia Who? This is ridiculous!" the same people who've been saying Labour needs a fresh face as leader?
A guess: Nanaia Mahuta decided to stand after hearing David Shearer on Paul Henry Show and Morning Report
Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce ·
Thank god it wasn't another white man.
Nanaia Mahutu was standing next to David Cunliffe yesterday when he bowed out of the race and endorsed Andrew Little.
Did any of the half billion or so posts on the Labour leadership race predict Nanaia Mahuta's entry?
Nanaia Mahuta to stand. Labour party bigots, start your engines.
Nanaia! But with a middle-aged white guy as deputy, we hope.
Nanaia Mahuta soon to make an announcement...standby for action...