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Top tweets about Nanaia Mahuta running for Labour leadership

Bryce Edwards
Wed, 15 Oct 2014

This is a selection of some of the more interesting and insightful tweets relating to Nanaia Mahuta's bid for the Labour leadership in 2014. The most recent tweets are first. [Read more below]


dazza @dazzabrazza

Is Mahuta going to offer different policies? Or will in be more systemic/institutional sexism and racism? More 3rd way neoliberalism?


Deborah Mahuta-Coyle @DebsMahutaCoyle

20mins to go... Anyone else Labour?


Toby Manhire @toby_etc

Labour leader candidate majorities seat/party Little: -9,778 / -13,022 Mahuta: +7,695 / +6,928 Parker: list only Robertson: +8,267 / -5,383


Imperator Fish @ImperatorFish

Mahuta now in the contest. I had always just assumed the nomination form said "white boys only".


Chris Bramwell @rnzgallerychris

Nanaia Mahuta nominated by the same MPs that nominated David Cunliffe


Maiki Sherman @MaikiSherman

Nanaia Mahuta says criticism from those including Pita Sharples that she is "lazy" is unfounded. "If it were true I wouldn't be here." #rtpt


BestestLeftist @aaronincognito

Good on Nanaia Mahuta. The Labour circus will have at least one non- white male


Michele A'Court @MicheleACourt

But... Not a middle aged white man! WTF?! Excellent.


Hamish Price @hamishpricenz

The cunning plan of Labour's also-rans: stick your name in ballot so you're guaranteed front-bench spot when you lose.


Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler

@LewSOS conservative South Auckland Labour Party supporters will never something something.


Dene Mackenzie @mackersline

The gift that keeps on giving #labourleadership


Winston Smith @5WinstonSmith5

Nanaia Mahuta delivered 46.5% of the Party Vote to @nzlabour in Hauraki-Waikato.


Maiki Sherman @MaikiSherman

Nanaia Mahuta has confirmed to me she is standing for the Labour Party leadership. Call was made after discussion at today's Maori caucus.


Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz 

Mahuta is nominated by Louisa Wall and Su'a William Sio - all three are Camp Cunliffe


Carys Goodwin ‏@cgoodwin23 

na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na NANAIAAAAA #stoked


Andrew Chen @andrewmeows

Is Labour going on the policy that all media coverage is good media coverage?


Mark Hubbard @MarkHubbard33

Thank goodness. I constantly blogged that it was not good enough women of Labour wanted quota when never prepared 2 put hand up to contest.


Phil Quin @philquin

Anyone who wants to run should run. Bring it on.


Heath duPlessisAllan @hdpaNEWS

The Labour Party wants 'a fair go for everyone'. That's why everyone in caucus is standing for leader.


Reed Fleming @reedfleming

Will Cunliffe still support Andrew Little or ditch him for a loyalist?


Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce

If you're from the Waikato you know that Nanaia and her family have huge mana in Māoridom. De facto leader of Labour's Māori caucus.


Stevie Jepson ‏@steviejnz 

hope Nanaia gets support from everyone in labour who is sick of seeing white guys at the top everywhere forever


Barry Soper @barrysoper · 

Nanaia Mahuta to contest Labour leadership, the Cunliffe faction's alive and well!


Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz · 

Mahuta is in - adds to the diversity of the contest but who will her supporters be?


Toby Manhire @toby_etc

Are the people saying "Nanaia Who? This is ridiculous!" the same people who've been saying Labour needs a fresh face as leader?


Toby Manhire @toby_etc · 

A guess: Nanaia Mahuta decided to stand after hearing David Shearer on Paul Henry Show and Morning Report


Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce · 

Thank god it wasn't another white man.


Kate Newton @katenewtonnz · 

Nanaia Mahutu was standing next to David Cunliffe yesterday when he bowed out of the race and endorsed Andrew Little.


Chris Keall @ChrisKeall · 

Did any of the half billion or so posts on the Labour leadership race predict Nanaia Mahuta's entry?


Lew @LewSOS · 

Nanaia Mahuta to stand. Labour party bigots, start your engines.


Philip Matthews @secondzeit · 

Nanaia! But with a middle-aged white guy as deputy, we hope.



Maiki Sherman @MaikiSherman


Nanaia Mahuta soon to make an announcement...standby for action...



Bryce Edwards
Wed, 15 Oct 2014
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Top tweets about Nanaia Mahuta running for Labour leadership