This is a selection of some of the tweets about the results of the asset sales referendum. As usual, the tweets below are in (rough) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. [Read more below]
Great graph! Referendum results by electorate:
Referendum? More like referenDUMB.
I look forward to a future Lab/Green Govt axing the anti-smacking law & cutting MPs to 99, while they buy back our asset sale shares
From my new Werewolf column ( … )
Asset sales referendum complete nonsense says Collins, while Ardern suggests she can't read publicly-open Govt books …
The "no" vote was 27.3% of the electorate. "Yes" vote was 13.2% of the electorate. This takes account of those not enrolled but eligible.
The referendum turnout was 40.7% (1,333,404 out of official electorate of 3,276,000). Other figure of 43.9% doesn't include unenrolled.
And - again, to state the bloody obvious - you don't need to privatise SOEs to be neoliberal. You just run them as private companies.
@johnkeypm couldn't even carry his own electorate in the asset sales referendum. #saysalot
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
Man, if I wanted to distract the left from almost all my policies in government,I would have this big flagship policy that made people rabid
1. Embarrassing … Rob Salmand ties himself in knots to argue >225k of no-voters also voted National in 2011...
2. ... which may be true, though his reasoning is supernaturally unpersuasive. Here's the good part: by his own assumptions/calculations...
3. ... the no-voters are the most engaged and most passionate about asset sales. He then says the 225k he thinks *voted National anyway*...
4. ...are particularly likely to switch to Labour/Green in 2014. I simply can't think of a narrative where that makes any sense at all.
67% of 44% of voters said "No" to asset sales. Thus popular opposition to privatization has been turned into something entirely meaningless.
Aaron Hawkins @CrAaronHawkins
Those trumpeting low turnout as an invalidation of referendum result were awfully quiet about the invalidation of most local body elections
After hitting the iceberg of popular opposition and a disastrous asset sales process, Capt Key cries 'full steam ahead'! #TitanicThinking
PM Key carefully considered final results of referendum (not yet counted) and determined asset sales will continue.
If John Key is claiming non-votes as 'yes' votes, I'm claiming 'yes' votes as 'no' votes. Because#anarchy.
I mean if turnout was ~60% and every extra person had voted Yes, No would still have won.
My electorate had 4th lowest turnout of general electorates in the referendum. Botany people know a waste of money when they see it.
"Resounding", "emphatic", "decisive", "overwhelming" #AssetSales #referendum
Loving the fallout from New Zealand's asset sales 'citizens initiated' referendum. Both sides claim victory. But clearly was a waste of time
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Was the asset sales CIR the closest NZ CIR ever? #nzpol
> Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler14 Dec
@MatthewHootonNZ it was, first where the winning option didn't get at least 80% support, or even 70% support.
This whole referendum thing has been like those old optical illusions - do you see a vase or two faces? And old woman or a young girl?
Maybe if in future all Citizen Initiated Referenda had a "meh" option....
The turnout and support are irrelevant, as long as they're not embarrassing. It's mid-December and people are still thinking about it.
The asset sales referendum was an agenda-control play; to keep the issue top of the public mind. It's worked admirably for that purpose.
Most important statistic of the night: the #AssetSales referendum cost roughly $6.75 per vote collected.
Highest invalid vote was 34 in Wellington Central. Anarchists in the Aro Valley anyone?
Biggest support for asset sales in Epsom (54.6%); biggest opposition in Ikaroa-Rawhiti (94.7%).
Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler
With such resounding support for keeping assets in state ownership, I assume Labour and the Greens have announced a buy-back policy?
Two electorates had more Yes votes than No votes in the #AssetSales referendum: Epsom and Tāmaki.
The referendum result is completely invalid because @DavidCunliffeMP tweeted about it today.
Great result in privatisation referendum. Two thirds opposed; great turnout at 44%. Democracy in action.
@RusselNorman Pathetic spin Russel. After all that hype u failed to get 30% of eligible voters to turn out and vote against mixed ownership
Tell you what, with 2/3 of the electorate opposed to the govt's main policy initiative, Labour is cruising to 60% of the 2014 election #easy
That's how it works, isn't it? Voters take all their cues about a govt from one issue and vote in lockstep? Gimme a PolSci PhD already.
Asset sales turnout beat the s59 referendum turnout in one electorate: Wellington Central.
From now on, a low turnout means the side that won actually lost. National won Chch East for example. …
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
The Greens: Subverting democratic outcomes they don't like by using democratic tools since ages ago mate.
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Meaningless platitude follows: partisans are going hard with their view on the referendum. I suspect the truth is somewhere in between etc
In today's edition of pointless politics data, #AssetSales vs. Anti-Smacking referendum by electorate #NZPol
Almost 350,000 more people voted in the anti-smacking referendum than #AssetSalesreferendum
If only this factoid was actually true.
Turnout in South Akl looks to be abysmal too. That's your job next year right there Labour. Canvassing, dots on maps. GOTV
Nick Cross @NW_Cross Protected Tweets
Seriously the no vote is pathetic. People don't care all that much
South Island seems more anti-asset sales... 'seems' being the operative word. I'm just staring at the spreadsheet.
Patrick Leyland @ProgressReport
Preparing for a deluge of dodgy statistics and pointless conclusions, including a few of my own.
52% of voters in the PM's electorate voted No in the #AssetSales referendum
Rāwinia Thompson @rawiniathompson
Voter turnout in referendum dangerously low in electorates with - for want of better description - more poor, brown people. Democracy?
Rāwinia Thompson @rawiniathompson
Over 90% of voters in each Māori electorate do not support asset sales …
"No" won every single electorate. Except Epsom. I guess that's where the mum and dad investors live, right?
Given the low number of kiwis who bought shares & the high number of negative stories re asset sales recently 432,950 pro-sell pretty high.
Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler
So the lowest share of votes a winning CIR has ever gotten: First less than 80%; First less than 70%.
By my quick calculation, this referendum cost taxpayers $6.75 for every valid vote.
@ShakingStick the number of 'yes' is pretty sizable given the recent negative stories re asset sales.
Very low referendum turnout in Maori electorates - about 32%. South Auckland about 30%.
Patrick Leyland @ProgressReport
More people voted against asset sales in the postal referenda than party voted for Labour and the Greens in 2011 (861k).
Has the anti-asset sales campaign failed to meet 2 unofficial targets? 1) turnout 43.9% vs 50%, 1) 895,322 No votes vs 1,058,638 Nat votes.