What’s going on inside Fuji Xerox? Power players at odds over insider trading risks, big year for dealmakers
What's in your National Business Review print edition this week.
What's in your National Business Review print edition this week.
In NBR Print today: An NBR investigation has raised serious questions about the finances of New Zealand’s biggest office printing company. Fuji Xerox, which claims to be the market leader in “document solutions”, revealed a staggering loss of more than $51 million this month. Don’t miss Karyn Scherer’s revealing investigation.
A review of disclosure rules in the electricity market has power companies at loggerheads as rumours swirl of market manipulation and insider trading. Several power companies have made submissions to the review by the Electricity Authority’s Wholesale Advisory Group, revealing opposing views on whether changes to disclosure rules are required. Tim Hunter reports.
As well as a significant lift in profit, analysts are picking a great result for the value-added side of Fonterra’s business in its annual results next week.This follows strong momentum in the dairy giant’s interim results earlier this year. Jason Walls asks analysts what to look out for.
Merger and acquisition activity remains strong in New Zealand, helped by a robust economy and attractive debt financing. Calida Smylie looks at what’s driving some of the larger M&A deals.
Forecasting electricity demand after 10 years of no growth and amid widespread predictions of disruptive technologies about to descend on the industry is an unenviable task. Yet the Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation (MBIE) is required to do just that – and all the way out to 2050. Jenny Ruth canvasses the views of the key electricty players.
This year’s local body elections are a proxy war for the one sided political battle at national level, writes Rob Hosking in Order Paper. But they are also a bid by Labour to build a base for next year’s general election campaign.
All this and more in today’s National Business Review print edition. Out now.
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