Hot Topic NBR Focus: GMO
Hot Topic NBR Focus: GMO
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Air NZ's Lord of the Rings video leaked

A blatant play for social media buzz.

NBR staff
Thu, 01 Nov 2012

Air New Zealand's countdown to the unveiling of its new Lord of the Rings-themed safety video late tonight was "ruined" when the clip was leaked online.

One social media commentator told NBR ONLINE  the "leak" had a hint of accidentally-on-purpose about it, the better to build viral buzz.

NBR refuses to be sucked in to the campaign, beyond reproducing the video in full below.

And, just quietly, if you want complementary NBR ONLINE paywall access when you're flying, do hit an Air NZ Koru lounge, where you'll find free access to NBR's premium content, no password required.

NBR staff
Thu, 01 Nov 2012
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Air NZ's Lord of the Rings video leaked