Apple director Al Gore: new iPhones in October
Board member spills the beans at a leadership summit in Johannesburg,
Board member spills the beans at a leadership summit in Johannesburg,
Apple director Al Gore has spilled the beans on the company's iPhone 5 plans.
The company has refused comment on one rumour, based on retailer and assembler leaks, that the iPhone 5 will appear next month.
Or another that two different models will be released - with one being a lower-end model, possibly dubbed the iPhone 4S.
Mr Gore appeared to confirm both during an address to a leadership summit in Johannesburg.
The former US vice president was talking on environmental issues when he segued into Moore's Law about computer power doubling every 18 months, then added:
"Not to mention the new iPhones coming out next month. That was a plug," according to a PC World report.
The publication said it was briefly given access to a recording of the Apple board member's speech. The account was confirmed by several people present.
Mr Gore is also a special adviser to Google's board.