ComCom considers Fonterra-Silver Fern Farms deal
Commerce Commission looks at proposed freight service coordination that could be anti-competitive.
Commerce Commission looks at proposed freight service coordination that could be anti-competitive.
Kotahi Logistics, a partnership between Fonterra and Silver Fern Farms, has applied to the Commerce Commission for authorisation for an agreement that may be anti-competitive.
Under the agreement, Kotahi would coordinate domestic and international freight services. They would initially be for Fonterra and Silver Fern Farms with other importers and exporters being invited to become partners and customers in the future.
The commission may grant authorisation for certain agreements that may otherwise breach the Commerce Act 1986 if it is satisfied that the public
benefits of the agreements outweigh the detriments arising from the loss ofcompetition.
The commission will release further information on its process, timetable,and the likely competition issues once it has had an opportunity to consider
the application.