Dick Smith Australia Day ad banned by networks
With VIDEO of the offending ad.
With VIDEO of the offending ad.
An ad by Dick Smith timed for Australia Day (January 26) has been banned by TV networks, reports marketing industry site Mumbrella.
The ad pushes OzEmite and other spreads and sauces in his Dick Smith Foods range (for which profits go to charity; his main occupation since he sold the chain store that bears his name).
That's all well and good. But apparently the networks found the sexual innuendo around his first name, and images of boat people struggling ashore from a burning shipwreck, all a bit much.
The jingoistic Aussie entrepreneur apparently spent $A100,000 on an ad buy for the spot. That's said to be money down the drain. Though maybe not so much if the YouTube version of the ad goes viral. Watch it above. (Warning: extreme Australianess may offend.)