New Zealanders are today celebrating our nation's first-ever World Cup point following the All Whites' 1-1 draw with Slovakia.
So are Australians.
With stunning gall, a Sydney Morning Herald headline this morning proclaimed "Austalasia 1 - Sovakia 1: Kiwis get the point."
Initially, NBR thought the photo above - currently doing the rounds of Twitter - must be a mock up but the cheeky appropriation is repeated on the SMH's website:
Well, NBR's got got news for you, Fairfax: the All Whites only represent one half of Australasia, and it's not yours.
Not that Fairfax is the only media conglomerate annoying Private Bin today. The News Corp-owned weighed in with this effort:
Gee, thanks Rupert. Actually, on reflection, we prefer the SMH's attempt at appropriation.