Entering uncharted territory, ComCom’s bombshell, Trumped up policy? Faltering China relations NZ’s fault
In NBR today: Matthew Hooton argues the far left should celebrate Trump's win.
In NBR today: Matthew Hooton argues the far left should celebrate Trump's win.
In NBR today:
Donald Trump’s stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton opens the door to a new direction for American politics. With the backing of majorities in both Houses of Congress, he can break the legislative gridlock and implement the Republicans’ “Better Way” plan for boosting the economy, jobs and incomes. NBR has a good think about the election in this issue. Calida Smylie finds earnings growth is expected as the market slumps. Rob Hosking warns of the perils of written constitutions. Matthew Hooton argues the far left should celebrate Trump’s win. Michael Coote writes TPP is dead and other trade treaties are in trouble while Nevil Gibson concludes investors pay the price for politics.
Meanwhile Nick Grant writes that even those who view the proposed merger between Fairfax New Zealand and NZME as a sign of an impending “mediapocalypse” were surprised by the Commerce Commission’s draft decision this week. “The regulatory agency’s rejection of the deal is emphatic. But it also gives the applicants plenty of ammunition.”
Tim Hunter says the great thing about Gareth Morgan is his willingness to churn out analysis and policy ideas, funded from his own pocket, in search of a better way to do things. Now Mr Morgan’s ideas have been brought into the political arena, they should be taken seriously – and seriously criticised. Take his comprehensive capital tax, for example …
Nathan Smith finds it isn’t only the ‘guy on the street’ with a warped understanding of Chinese investment into this country – New Zealand’s business community isn’t doing so well either. In trying to attract more foreign direct investment – something economists agree New Zealand needs – mechanisms such as the OIO aren’t the only obstacles. “You might well spot another of them in the mirror.”
Nathan, Jason Walls and Kate Robertson put the spotlight on Wellington
All this and more in today's NBR Print edition. Out now