Government ditches 2025 taskforce
The Government is canning a taskforce set up to close the wage gap with Australia.
The Government is canning a taskforce set up to close the wage gap with Australia.
The Government is canning a taskforce set up to close the wage gap with Australia.
ACT leader Don Brash announced the decision during a press conference he held today.
Dr Brash said that as he was now head of the party he could no longer continue to run the taskforce but that it was being dumped anyway.
"My understanding is the Prime Minister does not intend to continue with the taskforce... Certainly before I became leader of the ACT party I had a phone call saying the taskforce would be disbanded."
Prime Minister John Key was later asked about the news and whether it was Dr Brash's place to announce it.
"He (Dr Brash) was running it but I don't want it anymore anyway, so it's gone. I don't think it achieved a lot," Mr Key said.
The 2025 Taskforce made several recommendations the Government ruled out adopting, such as slashing spending by $9 billion, cutting taxes, reducing beneficiary numbers, raising the pension age, selling state-owned assets and vigorously encouraging foreign investment.
Mr Key said it made some recommendations the Government was adopting but it did not agree with the extreme approach.
"I don't think there was much more to be done there really, and, as far as I'm concerned, that's run its course."
Asked if the decision reflected on National's views of the ACT Party, Mr Key said he did think some ACT policies were extreme.
"They always have been, frankly they always will be. I want to lead a moderate centre-right Government that takes New Zealanders with us. I think, as you'll see in the budget, we're doing a good job about getting back into surplus, I think we've done a good job of getting people through the recession. These are tough times.
"But ultimately very extreme policies leave a lot of New Zealanders marginalised. And I don't really want to lead a government that does that."