Harawira lobbies Maori Party MPs to pull foreshore bill support
Rebel MP pleads to his former colleagues, angling to undermine support for National's legislation.
Rebel MP pleads to his former colleagues, angling to undermine support for National's legislation.
As new foreshore legislation makes its way through Parliament independent MP Hone Harawira, has written to his former Maori Party colleagues pleading them to pull support for it.
The Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill is expected to pass tomorrow night.
The bill repeals the 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Act -- which prompted a 20,000-strong hikoi -- and replaces it with legislation that restores to Maori the right to seek customary title to parts of the coastline through the High Court or by negotiation with the Government.
However many Maori say the bill is unfair and the test to prove customary title is too difficult.
Opposition to the bill prompted Mr Harawira to leave the Maori Party, which backs it. He yesterday at Parliament greeted a hikoi of 300-400 people protesting against the bill.
The Maori Party has made it clear they won't be moved, but Mr Harawira tried anyway with a letter he released publicly.
"I know you guys are probably still pissed off with me, but this Marine and Coastal Area Bill is bigger than all of us, so I'm writing to ask you to withdraw your support for it, for the very simple reason that it is bad for Maori," he wrote.
He detailed complaints with the bill.
"Yes, there's a whole bunch of concessions in the bill, but that's not we marched for. We marched for the big stuff. We marched to get our title to the foreshore and seabed back. And that's why I'm appealing to you guys to please, please let this go."
He urged the MPs to seek repeal of the 2004 law then a moratorium for two years for the matter to be resolved.