I've never used Slingshot, so I can't tell you whether the CallPlus subsidiary offers great service, or not (though there's typically some animated debate in Comments or on Twitter whenever I post about the ISP).
But I do like some of its policies, which are worthy of the cliché "pushing the envelope". Slingshot has been first or one of the front runners in areas like unlimited plans, rollover data, and a global mode — or the ability to mask your country-of-origin as you surf so you can access commercial content services like Netflix that are usuallly geoblocked to Kiwis.
This week Slingshot came up with another nifty proposition: a moving house guarantee.
Slingshot GM Taryn Hamilton says as long as new or existing customers give at least seven days' notice, the ISP will guarantee to have broadband up and running by the time they move in.
What happens if there's an act of God or Chorus contractor strike or other freak incident that prevents that outcome?
You'll get two months' free broadband.
Nice. Anecdotally, it seems an ISP failing to get broadband up-and-running is a common problem for house movers.
So hopefully other ISPs will follow Slingshot's guarantee (if you already have, drop us a line or share in Comments).
And remember that if you have a hassle with your internet provider over moving house — or anything else — you can take your case to the Telecommunication Dispute Resolution service, headed by David Russell (ex-Consumer).