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Key ruled out GST increase during election campaign

During the 2008 election campaign John Key ruled out increasing GST.Yesterday the now Prime Minister said an increase was on the cards.A recording of a Radio New Zealand journalist asking Mr Key about the election pledge has been posted by the Labour Part

Wed, 10 Feb 2010

During the 2008 election campaign John Key ruled out increasing GST.

Yesterday the now Prime Minister said an increase was on the cards.

A recording of a Radio New Zealand journalist asking Mr Key about the election pledge has been posted by the Labour Party on website You Tube.

In it Mr Key was asked to rule out raising GST to 15 percent to cover deficits.

"National is not going to be raising GST," he said.

"National wants to cut taxes not raise taxes. We acknowledge the point that John Shewan (chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand) is making which is that there is a decade of deficits facing New Zealand unless we get it right.

"But that comes back to our core point. The fastest way to eliminate those deficits and get New Zealand back into surplus is to get New Zealand growing again."

Mr Key was asked if he would borrow more rather than pay taxes, he said governments would need to borrow in the difficult financial times.

"He's (Mr Shewan) talking about having to raise GST and the top personal tax rate maybe in five years time and what I am saying is if we do a half decent job as a government at growing our economy I am confident that won't be happening, that's not on our agenda."

Wed, 10 Feb 2010
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Key ruled out GST increase during election campaign