No honeymoon bounce for coalition in 1 News-Colmar Brunton poll
Big fall for Bill English.
Big fall for Bill English.
The coalition appears to have missed out on the traditional honeymoon bounce.
The first post-election 1 News-Colmar Brunton poll shows the coalition with enough support to hold 63 seats – the same as its election night tally.
National remains the largest party at 46% support, up slightly on its election night result of 44.4%.
Labour has made a gain of about two points on its election night result to 39% but its partner NZ First slipped by the same amount to 5%.
The Greens made a small gain, climbing from 6.3% at the election to 7%.
While Labour made little headway in party support, Jacinda Ardern jumped six points in the preferred prime minister standings to 37%. Bill English fell 9% to 28%.
Fifty one percent said the coalition was taking the country in the right direction, 26% said the wrong direction and 23% didn't know.
The poll of just over 1000 eligible voters was taken between November 29 and December 5 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1%.
In the past 1 News Colmar Brunton polls have been exclusively done poll interviews via landline phones.
However, this poll marks a break with that tradition, with interviews done via a 50/50 split of mobile phones and landlines.
Although some complained the focus on landlines led to bias, Colmar Brunton's final pre-election poll was very close to the final result.