13 mins to read


Bryce Edwards
Tue, 13 May 2014

Today’s content

Budget 2014 and the economy

Liam Dann (Herald): National needs to dish up comfort

John Armstrong (Herald): Battle lines over affordable homes

Michael Fox and Stacey Kirk (Stuff):PM to Labour: 'How would you run surplus?'

Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On this week’s Budget rhetoric, and Jim Jarmusch

Rob Hosking (NBR): Budget 2014: a surplus but then what? (paywalled)

Stuff: Economy travelling at a solid clip

Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Bill English meets the media

Greg Thompson (NBR): Budget 2014: Why a capital gains tax will be off the agenda

Rob Salmond (Polity): Budget 2014: The Labour-lite budget

Rob Salmond (Polity): NZ Index of Deprivation 2013

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Why inequality needs to be on the political agenda

Peter Cresswell (Not PC): British “researchers” promoting envy in NZ 

Audrey Young (Herald): Cunliffe sets low target for jobless

Newswire: Key rejects Labour's quake rebuild claims

Jenny Woods (Newstalk ZB): Cunliffe to reveal Labour's own Budget

Stuff: Government 'holding back' on quake costs

Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Budget 2014: Don't expect any KiwiSaver changes

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Labour claims surplus a fake!

Daily Blog: Blockade the Budget

Peter Cresswell (Not PC): Surplus! 

Rob Salmond (Polity): Economic plans compared

Matt Nolan (TVHE): Labour’s alternative budget

Radio NZ: $132m for IRD to chase tax dodgers

Michael Fox (Stuff): Labour targets unemployment rate

Patrick Leyland (Progress Report): A sensible move

No Right Turn: "A wish, a target, and a dream"

Radio NZ: Labour sets 4 percent jobless target

John Gerritsen (Radio NZ): Rich or poor, education needs more

Herald: Why the Budget should matter to you

Simon Wong (TV3): More money to chase tax dodgers

Audrey Young (Herald): Key puts All Black dream on hold in attack over jobs

Tracy Watkins (Stuff): NZ Budget defies Aussie gloom

Michael Fox (Stuff): Sweetener lined up for parents in Budget, says PM

Dominion Post: Big political push set to benefit parents

Newswire: Key hints at paid parental leave changes

Newswire: Greens to reveal alternative budget

Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Talk is cheap even around the Budget

Colin James (ODT): Thinking past Thursday’s small-surplus budget


Fundraising and influence

Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Collins will be gone by Monday - Peters

Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Labour's hypocrisy 'galling'

Simon Wong (TV3): Key: 'I'll apologise on TV if Collins is sacked'

Rob Salmond (Polity): Party funding

Anthony Hubbard (Stuff): The politics of 'sleaze'

Phil Kitchen (Stuff): Fundraising access to PM

Fine Tooth Column: The Price of Milk

Radio NZ: PM rejects tax funded campaigning

Pete George (Your NZ): ‘Cabinet club’ kock up

Pete George (Your NZ): Key on Labour’s union donations

TVNZ: Opposition parties float taxpayer-funded elections

Newswire: Key rejects state funding for campaigns

Rachel Stewart (Stuff): Collins' strength shines in the truth of her tweets

Herald: Key promises public apology if Peters is right

Lesley Deverall (Newstalk ZB): Key unfazed by Peters' threats

Colin Espiner (Stuff): The curse of the C-word

Vernon Small (Stuff): Does Cabinet Club buy influence?

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Surprise – Cunliffe wants Labour to be funded by taxpayers

Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Taxpayer funding would weaken democracy

No Right Turn: Election funding: Be the change you want to see in the world

NBR: PM reacts to Peters' claim that 'Collins will not survive next week, with what I know'

Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Cunliffe: Let's consider publicly-funded elections

Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): The thing about Cabinet Club and anonymous donations

Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): They want our money for their campaigns

The Standard: Judith vs John

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Sense from The Press

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Why David Cunliffe is right – it is time to consider publicly funded elections

Keeping Stock: Cash for access?


Taurima report and media-politco relations

Isaac Davison (Herald): John Key questions broadcaster Linda Clark's ties to Labour

Matthew Hooton (NBR): Labour Knew About Taurima All Along (paywalled)

John Drinnan (Herald): Bumbling TV company escapes serious criticism

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The Taurima report

Karl du Fresne: Rules won't eliminate the most troubling bias

Grant Duncan (Policy matters): Should political reporters be barred from political-party membership?

TV3: Why is Tamaki Makarau so important to Labour?

John Drinnan (Herald): Taurima inquiry due today

Newswire: TVNZ Taurima report due to be released

TVNZ: Labour to discuss result of Shane Taurima review

3 News Online Staff (TV3): TVNZ to make changes after Taurima report

Radio NZ: Inappropriate activity but no bias – TVNZ

Herald: TVNZ report: No bias, but 'unacceptable' activities

Patrick Gower (TV3): Despite report, Taurima keeps political ambitions

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): I’m sorry Shane Taurima, mate you can’t run for Labour

John Drinnan (Herald): Taurima inquiry fails to take TVNZ to task

Rob Salmond (Polity): Shane Taurima

Newswire: Labour rejects Taurima's candidacy

TVNZ: Shane Taurima could have positive Labour future - David Cunliffe

Andrea Vance and Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Taurima's political career over

RadioLIVE: Labour debate Taurima's future

Teuila Fuatai (Herald): Cunliffe: Taurima decision 'appropriate'

Newswire: PSA against political activity ban

Radio NZ: Labour veto on Taurima candidacy

Radio NZ: Maori journalism excuse rejected


Green Party economic plans

Adam Bennett (Herald): $120m 'Green Investment Bank' plan for clean tech projects

Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): 'Green Investment Bank' plan

Simon Wong (TV3): Green Party looks to open own bank

Business Desk: Greens to whack oil companies in bid to boost clean-tech investing

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Greens do want taxpayers to lose 96% of their funds also!

No Right Turn: A good idea



Michael Fox (Stuff): Foreign home ownership ban not needed: National

Florence Kerr (Stuff): State housing under fire

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Um, why shouldn’t a State House be for life?

No Right Turn: Abandoning the provinces

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Misunderstanding the investment approach

The Standard: The selective empathy of Key’s callous government



Tim Donoghue (Stuff): Captains stood down after ferry near misses

Stuff: Ferry incidents 'covered up' – Peters

Newswire: Ferry boss denies Peters' cover-up claims

Rebecca Quilliam (Herald): Cook Strait ferry incidents covered up – Peters

TVNZ: Ferry operator rejects cover-up allegations



Stuff: Pension means test unfair – Key

Pete George (Your NZ): Super for those earning over $70k

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Should Super be means tested?


Kim Dotcom 

Radio NZ: Dotcom's lawyers question SIS actions

Stuff: SIS could have paved way for FBI, say Dotcom lawyers

Vicki Anderson (Stuff): 'Racist day' fun with Kim Dotcom

No Right Turn: TICS after Snowden


Act Party

Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): ACT leader, Jamie Whyte, refutes cliched stereotype of solo-mothers?

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): ACT’s alternative budget

Fundamentally Useless: ACT’s bold new ‘baby eating’ policy



Giovanni Tiso (Pantograph Punch): My Night at the Canon Media Awards

Stuff: Today in Politics: Tuesday, May 13

Paul Judge (Stuff): Controversy and contradictions

Scott Hamilton (Reading the Maps): From Titford to Taua

Jamie Morton (Herald): Union praises inquests into 'intolerable' forest deaths

Simon Collins (Herald): The equality debate: Inequality in NZ under spotlight

Glenn Conway (Stuff): Business strategist picked by National

Simon Wong (TV3): Key condemns Boko Haram

Karl du Fresne: A cosy chat with Aunty Marilyn

Matthew Beveridge: Metiria, Chris and the Keys.

Duncan Garner (RadioLIVE): Christchurch flood victims deserve a better answer

David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Nanny Auckland

PMC: NZ: Advocate condemns media ‘self-censorship’ over foreign land control

David Cormack (The Ruminator): Misogyny and rape jokes: Ha ha ha bonk!

Tracey Roxburgh (ODT): PM's sausage promotion hits a snarler

Elton Smallman (Stuff): Lawless has a vision

Paul Casserly (Herald): The great breakfast shuffle

Stuff: Capital of the world's wealthiest

Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): About those New Zealand First rule changes

TVHE: Monetary policy 2.0?

Rachel Smalley (Newstalk ZB): Means-testing paid parental leave

Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Critiquing Mike Williams electorate run down in the NZ Herald

Liam Hehir (Manawatu Standard): Deals keep the grassroots tilled

Waikato Times: Tackling some of the nits

Bryce Edwards
Tue, 13 May 2014
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